The vast majority also complained level 81 wasn't good enough. The vast majority also stated Destruction is broke. The vast... oh, sorry, that's a bit of generalization on my part. This forum is filled with many, many people who aren't happy with the way Skyrim was designed.
People didn't vote with their wallets. They "voted" when their friends said "Dude! Check out how gorgeous Skyrim is and it's so easy to play! Don't I look awesome in this dragon armor! Sweet!"
I don't have any problem with people enjoying the game for its aesthetics nor do I care if they want to exploit their game with OI, etc.
What I do care about is these people are making a loud enough noise the game is "broken" because they couldn't get every perk in the game and level 81 is "stoopid".
1.9 was released. Did you see what it did? Yeah, so please don't tell me "voting with their wallet" is what gave 1.9. People complained, and Bethesda "fixed" the problem.
But let's put this aside for a second. Want to know how to please even more people? Watch this!
In TES VI, Bethesda should remove the armor rating completely. Instead, have their artists develop a boatload of awesome looking armor. They can take a cue from the modding community.
Then, and here's where the fun stuff starts, the difficulty slider is the damage threshold so that everyone can enjoy the game. How?
Default is 50%. This means if an attack deals 100 damage, player receives 50 of it. Armor doesn't matter. It's just style anyway.
Those of us who want a challenge can slide that puppy down to 0%, which means of that 100, we're taking it all.
Those who find 50% too hard can slide it up to 90%, which means of that 100, they're taking 10.
Simple. Elegant. And works for everyone.
Armor just becomes eye candy, which is what it is anyway.