Over powered and too easy #2

Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:22 pm


Continuing because I want to see Longknife's video.

Originally started by Slipknotofgod.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:23 pm

I like the ability to be Weak, average or OP. It is the players choice for how their character developes, you dont automatically become OP.

*waits for video*
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:15 pm

You need to gimp yourself to avoid being OP.

Videos speak louder then posts.

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Neko Jenny
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:08 pm

all you need to do is just specialize in some of skills instead of being a jack of all trades.
I have only had 4 OP characters and I wanted them to be OP.
I have had 6 weak characters because I wanted them to be weak.
I have had a lot of average characters because they specialize in a maximum of 10 skills and a minimum of 7.
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Kayleigh Williams
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:34 pm

You "wanted" them to be weak.

I just wanted my character to be good, but it ended up OP.

Also what do you mean specialize?

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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:42 am

He also said he had a lot of average characters, as have I. I don't find it difficult in the least.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:51 pm

I find it too easy.

That's the problem.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 7:34 pm

weak characters I have made.
farmer- base damage iron dagger for protection. Used his garden at lakeview to grow crops and sold them to whiterun and falkreath.
healer- No weapon but had Lydia as a bodyguard. went through the civil war as a healer and never made a kill. He healed Lydia while she killed the enemies. Restoration only.
hunter- Iron sword and hunting bow. No improving weapons. archery, light armour and one handed.
Merchant- Iron sword, clothes and Lydia. Speech and one handed.
I have replayed the weak hunter and the merchant.

I have made average skilled hunters, warriors, mages, thieves and more.

the OP characters were 1-3 hit kill characters but they could also die in 1-3 hits.
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 12:01 pm

Not buying it.

For the past 6 months, I've literally been working on plans to make a realism build on the 360. I've built and rebuilt time and again. I've seen the log sawing animation so many times, I actually have dreams about it. I've tried balancing my character's weapons at level increases (no perks, no enchantments) and armor, to stay on par with the leveling. I've tried using skill-based training before I can use my weapons (this one is very effective). I've also tried balancing perks at level increments.

These aren't weak characters. They're dead characters. Not a single one of them will stand up against a sabercat, which starts appearing at level 9. At level 20, they become the one-hit kills, not the enemy. And at level 30, you might as well stay on that farm, because you're a literal walking corpse.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but to play this type of character means spamming potions or doing so much running, if Athletics were in the game, you'd have it at 100 before any other skill.

Sorry, but I'm not buying your position. What Longknife has been saying is accurate.

PS: I'm on build 12 right now. Here's hoping this one works, because I told myself after this build, I'm done trying.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:13 pm

I find that's your problem-no offence but you cant generalise the whole game for everyone that plays just because you say you find it too easy,

Simple personal opinion to which you are of course entitled but ultimately totally pointless post as it comes over as a whinge many may well agree with you, i suspect more will disagree but most, like me, simply don't care.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 4:49 pm

Game is too easy dificulty: to compensate for the game being so easy, all common enemies have Ebony Warrior-esque stats and perks. Boss enemies will be Ebony Warrior on steroids.

Coming soon!

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:42 am

I've never once had an OP problem in this game with roleplaying. The only time my characters are OP is when I max out all skills.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:37 am

I rarely heal my characters. I mostly just let it heal over time. I did do a lot of running but Lydia done a lot of killing. the healer and farmer had to use Faendal through bleak falls barrow and to kill the dragon. It takes a lot of time and does get a little bit boring.
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:04 pm

Since when is the use of "I" generalization.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:58 pm

There is plenty of flexibility built into this game to enable you to make a character as weak or as strong as you like. If you end up with a character that is stronger than you wanted, just adjust it's gear or the difficulty level, simples!

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 1:50 pm

Which is the problem were discussing.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:41 am

what complicate things for me is that while lvl:ed enemies are fun and challenging, unlvled are not, or the other way around, lvl:ed enemies kick my ass; falmer warmongers , ancient and up dragons. Id like to maintain the illusion that I accomplish something by winning combat in how the game present challanges and not by how I manipulate them.

maybe console players and PC players view this differently aswell. the immersion avaiable on PC with mods lets you cater the game to match whatever roleplay ambition you have and that's your main reson for playing. consoles players (by tradition?) are more concerned with overcoming the gameplay challenges, beating the game, and so on. and in skyrim these challenges are different then most other console games

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Reven Lord
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 3:21 pm

I am an xbox user and all I do is roleplay. I never try to beat a game that cant be beaten.
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:55 am

it was just a generalization attempting to explain whatever disagreements the participators of the previous thread and this one have

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Kirsty Collins
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 6:27 pm

The problem is the balance in the game, honestly. It can be too hard or too easy, but rarely seems just right. I think it has to do with the level scaling, where certain enemies just get way too overpowered way too early(especially on master and legendary). In order to survive you have to increase damage and survivability, but before you know it, you are way strong for everything. A lot of this has to do with smithing and enchanting as well - going from 99 enchanting to 100 enchanting is such a huge difference because of that overpowered perk, since smithing improves both armor and weaponry, it's easy for that to get out of hand at high levels as well. If you don't use either of these abilities, you will get your butt kicked on the harder difficulties.

Don't mention illusion or conjuration either. I'm talking about actually trying to kill the enemy yourself

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 11:51 pm

I just reinstalled SKYRIM and OBLIVION after having modded them because I realized Bethesda actually did a great job balancing the game and mods were actually unbalancing things forcing me to lower the difficulty for human enemies and then upping it again for creatures. Guess these days modless is the way to go after eleven and a half years of mod use.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:32 pm

How are people still talking about being op with legendary difficulty? I know the Original op from the first thread said he didn't want to raise the difficulty, but his reasons just make me go "well tough". What would you rather have? The game be too easy, or have a better difficulty where dragons do what they're supposed to do and you know, be dangerous?

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:28 am

Quoted posts from the first thread:

Do you know what "health points" or "hit points" (often abbreviated HP) are? You see, these are little numbers commonly used in video games as a challenge to the player. The challenge is to complete whatever goal the game developers have designed, without running out of HP. Because when you do, you die and you have to reload.

Skyrim has HP. The goal is to complete task and not die. This goal is ever present. You can fail a few quests, you can fail to save a few NPC's, you can fail to kill a rabbit or a dear and still continue playing the game. You can't lose the game by failing these tasks. But if you were to run out of HP, you die. The game ends. You have to reload an earlier save.

There are games without a HP mechanic. In these games, the goal may not be to avoid dying. But it is the main goal of Skyrim. Whether you try to beat the main quest, survive a trip from Riften to Solitude or just defend yourself after a "misunderstanding" with the guards, your goal is to do it without dying.
In this regard, Skyrim and Tetris are the same. I understand it's easy to place these extremely different games next to each other and say "Hohoho, those are nothing alike!!", but you're lying to yourself if you deny that these two video games are built on the same basic concept - avoid losing.

What you want is easymode. You do not want a challenge, because a challenge is no good if you can deliberately make your character weak and still complete it with ease.

And I'm fine with that! The problem is that Skyrim only caters to people who want an easy game, while being way too easy for people who want a challenge. What Skyrim should have in order to please both camps, is better balanced difficulty levels. There should be an easy difficulty where you can complete the game with a deliberately weak character, and a hard difficulty level where the world is challenging even if you build your character to become stronger, like the game is designed.

Carrots, it seems you can't decide whether the game is unbalanced and it's our fault that Bethesda is unable to balance their own game to present us with a good challenge...

...or whether we are flat out lying when we say Skyrim is unbalanced and too easy.

There are a lot of things in Skyrim which I have complaints about. (And no, it's not like some of you Bethesda defenders propose, that I'm here because I hate Skyrim and only want to complain. My goal with my complaints is, even if it falls on deaf ears, to point out what's bad with Skyrim in order to change it to something good.)
Today, it's balance. The game is unbalanced like nothing I've ever seen. If you play an assassin you sneak around invisible or near-invisible, one-hitting everything in your path. A warrior runs around invincible and slaughters everyone in his past. A mage casts free spells with 100% spell cost reduction, making magicka pointless to put points in. All these three archetypes gains from using at least two skills of the "Axis of Evil" - Smithing, Enchanting and Alchemy. These are the most obvious crimelords in the Skyrim balance crime syndicate, as they make most of the other skills insignificant in terms of power and value.

And obviously, it's not our fault for using them - it's up to Bethesda to put effort into balancing their game so that we can build the characters we want without accidently becoming gods. Yes, self-gimping works to introduce some balance to the game, but that is not something you should have to do in a good, balanced game.

I know Skyrim is unbalanced, because I have played the game for 1000 hours, most of it on Master. Now I haven't tested Legendary yet, but if I kill a dragon with one hit I'm not convinced the game will be that much harder just because it will now take 2 hits to kill them.

I've bought Dragonborn during the Steam Sale and I will play it sometime soon. From what I read there are harder enemies found in this DLC which is great news. Doesn't nullify the fact that the game I've already played was a cakewalk though.

Looking forward to LongKnife's video. Mostly because, well, the chance to see that criminal scum LongKnife play Skyrim.
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Lisha Boo
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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 8:42 pm

True story: the video actually features a friend on steam messaging me and basically saying "wtf you're playing Skyrim?"

Unfortunately the video is stuck in the "being processed" state, so yeah, as I said might be til tomorrow before I can post it.

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Post » Thu Jul 18, 2013 9:11 am

The problem is the player, there is no perfect system in any game that can please every player so the problem lies in the player not adjusting their game accordingly to make it to their liking...you guys speak as if Skyrims system is too rigid to alter and adapt things to fit your style.

There's many players like myself, michaelpk and others here who have played this game long enough to know what works and doesn't work for each of our characters, it doesn't take long to learn the system and work it to fit what you want ...not a perfect fit but comfy enough to enjoy it.

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