Got 35 000 caps, what do?
Got 35 000 caps, what do?
Christ i have 12k and i thought that was alot. But really, i'm overflowing with everything. Things are way to easy to come by in this game, it's my biggest gripe.
i probably would of had that many by now if i didnt spend them on making shop stalls in settlements. (only have 1 rank in fortune finder at the moment
play survival and your caps vanish to ammo since enemies are all bullet sponges, think there is a 200% damage penalty on player from reading mod forums in survival difficulty.
Im playing survival and im 40. sticking to sniper and never in need of ammo, maybe after a few quests. Bought all +agi +perc gear that i could find and the 8000caps fatman from diamond city
selling weapons, stashing weapons on follower, selling all "science" ammo, just saving buying and saving 308 and .50 ammo. Not selling junk except for prewar money
also selling some chems just enought to get by if something nasty catches me
well high charisma players can more easily make money
That's why I don't play "hard", Bs games just turn up the damage numbers. I mostly play Fallout and ES for the characters and story, having every enemy require 1000E10 rounds adds absolutely nothing.
Gimme a loan buddy! I`m always sitting around 1k ish and usually spending it all on ammo.
I always have around 2500 on me. I spend a lot of money on ammo.
Are you playing on survival? Because I've actually found ammo way too abundant; it's one of my biggest complaints.
Caps are indeed way too easy to obtain, but funnily enough I still find myself looting and scavenging like a desperate maniac.
I find some ammo is harder to find than others. I like to keep a good balance of weapons fully loaded for any given situation.
Go to vault 81. Buy Overseer's Guardian. Make it semi-automatic. Buy .45 ammo from Carla for dirt cheap.
Stronkest weapon in the early game and the only requirement to use it is 2500 caps. You will probably never replace it in your life unless RNGesus smiles unto you and gives you a double shot hunting rifle or Gauss rifle.
I can't say I've got this problem yet. That said I haven't invested into settlements beyond the Red Rocket Garage yet and I'm hoarding junk like a man possessed. Most of my trades end up with me overshooting what they can pay me, and then balancing out with ammo/stimpacks either mitigating what they need to pay me, or even me paying them.
I'm sure the time will come where I'm no longer struggling to keep myself stocked though. A few fights with Institute and I've got enough cells to keep my Laser Rifle going for a while; I just like switching up what use fairly regularly (I'm really liking the Combat Rifle right now).
Sell crops.
Make money.
OP: Build weapon stores and trade stores to get fusion cores and mods for power armor. Do urban combat loaded on every type of chem.
I will probably end up buying stores everywhere, but I dont play with power armor, on occasion if there is one around. So Im sitting on 20 fusion cores or so, which Im regurarly selling. Whats that chem suggestion?
8000caps for a fatman from diamond city. 0 caps looting it off a raider. That was ok if there was durability in the game. diamondcity -> you get a new one; raider -> you get a almost broken one.
Im not getting too much caps so far. (hard) But I found there are too many good weapons dropping, It should be a long way to get strong modified weapons.
He is referring to the unique fat man called Big Boy, it fires two mini nukes at once.