Overhaul NPC Comparison

Post » Sun Oct 09, 2011 3:03 pm

With only a few hours a week to play Oblivion, I found myself overwhelmed by the number of great overhauls out there. Like probably a lot of us, I've tried a few in the past but got stuck in the never-ending cycle of restarting with different mods. Recently, I've read a lot about TIE and OWCND and decided to give them a try. But...while I was at it, I figured I might as well try OOO and Frans as well to see what fit for me. I was hoping to be able to pick a once-and-for-all overhaul and actually stick with it for a change.

I decided to load each one separately and only with the Unofficial patches and play through Vilverin (but stop at Canosel) and Sideways Cave. I'd then use my brief experience to decide which would be right for me.

Since I was writing the results down anyway, I thought I would share my experience here for anyone that is in a similar situation and doesn't want to have to load all these up themselves -or- for anyone new to the modding scene that might want an idea of what I encountered in the first 30 minutes of a game with each overhaul installed.

Couple of notes:
1. I really don't want this to be a thread where this turns into a "X is better than Y because...." discussion. Each overhaul has it's own philosophy and play-style and by no means am I wanting to pass judgment on any of these.
2. I did not try FCOM only because I didn't have the time to install all the mods. I may in the future - just didn't have the time
3. I did not try WAC - I may in the future but just didn't have the time
4. I may post more results in the future for additional dungeons. But my time is limited and can't promise anything
5. I know the results may not be the same for others. By the nature of some of the overhauls - they are intended to be random and a different experience each time. I completely realize that and just wanted to post this to show a general idea of what to expect
6. Also for anyone interested, I noticed no significant FPS hit for any of the mods. I have a pretty low end machine by today's standards (Core 2 Quad 2.4 ghz, 3 gb RAM, GeForce 8500GT 256 mb) and stayed at around 28-30fps everywhere I went. Although, I did take a little hit when fighting imps for some reason.
7. The format is to list the NPC and it's level, then the number of times I encountered it

*****Spoilers below******

Outside Vilverin
Bandit 1 x1
Bandit Bowman 1 x1

Inside Vilverin
Bandit 1 x5
Bandit Bowman 1 x2
Ringleader 1 x1

Outside Sideways
Imp 1 x1

Inside Sideways
Imp 1 x15
Rat 1 x3

Outside Vilverin
Bandit 5 x1
Bandit Bowman 4 x1

Inside Vilverin
Bandit 5 x4
Bowman 5 x2
Ringleader 5 x1

Outside Sideways
Imp 1 x1

Inside Sideways
Imp 1 x6
Werecrocodile 12 x1
Gorerat 1 x1
Gorerat 4 x1
Lesser Gargoyle 6 x1
Scaled Imp 6 x2
Troll 6 x1
Black Minotaur 14 x1
Will-o-Wisp 9 x1

Outside Vilverin
Bandit 1 x2
Bowman 3 x1

Inside Vilverin
Bandit 5 x4
Bandit 3 x1
Bowman 1 x3
Bowman 2 x1
Bowman 6 x1
Hedge Wizard 1 x1
Ringleader 8 x1

Outside Sideways
Crazed Imp 4 x1

Inside Sideways
Crazed Imp 4 x9
Imp 1 x4
Imp 2 x7
Mystical Imp 8 x2
Gargoyle 11 x2
Gargoyle 12 x1

Outside Vilverin
Bandit 4 x1
Bowman 1 x1

Inside Vilverin
Bandit 5 x5
Bandit 1 x1
Bowman 6 x1
Bowman 1 x1
Ringleader 10 x1

Outside Sideways
Ancient Land Dreugh 15 x1

Inside Sideways
Minotaur 20 x3
Imp 1 x1
Crazed Imp 4 x3
Minotaur Cow 20 x1
Giant Rat 1 x1
Minotaur Lord 40 x1
Ancient Land Dreugh 15 x2
Spider Spriggan 16 x1
Diseased Rat 1 x1
Sirene 15 x1

Outside Vilverin
Thief 30 x1 (not aggressive)
Nightblade 36 x1

Inside Vilverin
Bandit 14 x1
Bandit 13 x2
Bandit 12 x1
Ringleader 20

Outside Sideways

Inside Sideways
Clannfear Runt 4 x2
Rat 1 x1
Minotaur 12 x2
Ogre 16 x3
Imp 3 x4
Troll 6 x1
Land Dreugh 15 x1
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Noraima Vega
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