Overhauling the Barter Sytem

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:49 pm

Would it be possible, using OBSE (or not) to change the barter system to work more like Morrowind's (or Fallout 3) where you can more or less trade X selection of items for selection of Y items + or - a number of gold pieces?

I've seen it discussed in the past that it is not possible to make the barter system like this, but I was wondering if anyone has ever come up with an interface to do this, perhaps with the extended functions in the latest - OBSE 18 or with some clever workaround?
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Ebou Suso
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:31 pm

This is on my long-term wish list too. To be honest I'm not sure whether it's possible yet or not; I haven't been keeping close enough track of MenuQue and similar developments. But the idea definitely needs to be refreshed and reevaluated once in a while! A proper barter system gets around lots of stupid issues, especially if you're the sort who likes weighted gold. :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:15 pm

This is on my long-term wish list too. To be honest I'm not sure whether it's possible yet or not; I haven't been keeping close enough track of MenuQue and similar developments. But the idea definitely needs to be refreshed and reevaluated once in a while! A proper barter system gets around lots of stupid issues, especially if you're the sort who likes weighted gold. :)

Weighted gold is another big item I'd like to see done well. I haven't really kept up with the latest mods that do this, but they usually involve something wonky like splitting the gold into stacks and adding a "weight object" to the player's inventory for each stack or adding encumbrance in some other weird way that ends up screwing up the PC's encumbrance somehow.

It probably sounds like a broken record sometimes, but I can't see how features that worked so well in previous games got dropped. Even Daggerfall had weighted gold and you had to get a bank account and Promissory Notes and things like that in order to carry enough gold to buy a house.

What I like about a barter system, is you don't have to give the merchant tons of gold, you can trade for things of value that you need and stuff like that. I know some people could see it as a potential exploit, but not any more than a merchant that has 1000GP that magically reappear every time you make another transaction (thus 1000 GP is just his individual spending limit, but he effectively has infinite gold).

I know there are mods that make the merchant/economy more realistic, but I'm working on a city mod where I'd like to have most merchants have very little "coinage" on them, but operate almost exclusively on a barter system. It would not be smart to carry bags and bags full of gold in a town like this. I'd also like to be able to support alternate coinage/currency types. For example, if one barbarian tribe used clam shells as "money", they may be extremely valuable among other tribes, but in a big city that uses gold, they'd be almost worthless or only worth the value of the material (i.e. mother of pearl).

At the very least, having other denominations of coin would allow the player to effectively carry more once he traded in his coins for higher value coins (either spent or exchanged at a bank)

Ah well, a modder can dream. :sadvaultboy:
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