why are you overhyping this game bethesda you already lnow it will be one of the main contenders for the game of the year , you know this game going to be succesfull and still
iwhy do you only show demo s to a select few , mostly those working on the many gamingsite and channels and not your truefans / customers and therefore even fuelling the hype even more , why all the secrecy or is there something you do not want to tell us like by example that you basivly said goodbye to the openworlf rpg games you so well known for and instead given us a linear narrative driven story line ,
that why the voiced protagonist , why even bother to create a character if it is going to be the same character on every play thru
the rubberband scalling or a more subtile way of saying we did exactly like in new vegas and killed any form of exploration by forcing you to go only in one direction because wz do not want players to screw up our beautifull scripted storyline
why all the wecrecy about the mainstory or is this just to hide the fact that it is so linear and no matter what choices you make it doesn't matter , almost exactly like the witcher where no choice really matter only choice that do matter are those that decide with which of those female npcs you have a sixscne with triss yennifer or both
and why is that stupid dog so overhyped or is this a way of telling us that you still didn't fixed the companions AI and human follower will do the most awefull stupied things
i could be complete wrong on all those thing and i am just in a dark brooding mood today