Overpowered abilities

Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:25 am

Yeah. I can see the whole taking a dead mans gear, lying where you finished him, medic comes to revive you, meets a backstab end, noobs thinking their ninjas, corpse checking, ect.
This game will make you paranoid.

If it can actually work like that it will be brilliant.

out of all the classes, i think the soldier is the one we have heard fewest of.
we know he's good with explosives, and that he gives ammo. but apart from that?

reasons to pick classes
engineer: objective completion, dmg buff, mines, turret
operative: objective completion, interrogation, hacking turrets, backstab
medic: healing, reviving, hp buff, bioweapon(?), objective completion(?)
soldier: objective completion, giving ammo(if they didn't just run to the command post to refill)

it could be i missed stuff, but apart from hearing he's good wit hexplosives, they haven't said what it is he actually does then, and imo he seems to be the inferior underdog

Shield ability and more types of grenades.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:03 pm

ah yes, i indeed forgot about the meatshield. i wish i could implant updates to improve my memory.
the meatshield makes it a valuable asset to any team.
but still i can't help but wonder, if they are keeping some special ability secret about the soldier

Not to mention the ability to blow up locked doors ect to open up alternate routes to objectives. I would like to learn more about every class it seems like the Devs may favor the Operative class because they talk the most about them and all the cool things you can do as one. I would like to know more about soldiers abilities medics and engineers in particular. How do there mines work are they visible, OHK, can they be defused if the person does not step off of it. Turrets will there be multiple abilities to vary the effects and effectiveness of them, can engineers take control of there turrets and aim them manually since Operatives can hack them and control them? The whole glove color showing your class will this help detect enemy operatives who are disguised among your team or will there glove color change to mimic the player they disguised as. Would be nice if it stayed the same that way there was some slight indication if you looked at them you could tell besides having to rely on there movements or friendly operatives. Moltov grenades are they just the resistence equivalant of normal grenades or are there special properties to them like creating a wall of fire what dmgs players who walk through it.

There is alot of questions that are brought up each time they release a little information without going into detail the mechanics of how it will work. Would be nice to know more but the game is still pretty far out. I'm sure as time passes and it gets closer alot of light will be shed on everything with the Dev Diaries being released weekly and all the new articles and gaming events they are attending. Atleast I'm hopefull they will lol.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:50 am

I would like to learn more about every class it seems like the Devs may favor the Operative class because they talk the most about them and all the cool things you can do as one.

Actually, Rahdo is huge Medic fan. I think the reason they talk about Operatives so much, is because he is the most marketable class.Soldiers, Engineers, Medics - people have been there, done that. Those classes are "boring" to a lot of people. But the Operative...now he sounds interesting....Basically, they talk about Operatives a lot because he is the easiest class to use, to get people interested in the game. regardless how much facts and information you drill into people's heads about how the class and the game works, some people are always going to associate "Operative," with "ninja sniper."
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:53 pm

Actually, Rahdo is huge Medic fan. I think the reason they talk about Operatives so much, is because he is the most marketable class.Soldiers, Engineers, Medics - people have been there, done that. Those classes are "boring" to a lot of people. But the Operative...now he sounds interesting....Basically, they talk about Operatives a lot because he is the easiest class to use, to get people interested in the game. regardless how much facts and information you drill into people's heads about how the class and the game works, some people are always going to associate "Operative," with "ninja sniper."

Agreed. Engineer/Medic/Solider pretty well known and straightforeward. What the (censored) is an operative? Ooh is it like a ninja?? :ninja:
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:42 pm

it's a groundbreaking game, and because of that i want to know more about the soldier, every class has special stuff, so i want to know what's new for the soldier.

but operative is indeed the "new" cool class, "never seen before". wich is why they advertise using it, but still i want to know more about all the classes, not just the guy with the stealthy skills(i'm bad at stealth, i'm more of a, crash the door and blast em while my pals get in the backdoor to finish them)
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:46 pm

Actually, Rahdo is huge Medic fan. I think the reason they talk about Operatives so much, is because he is the most marketable class.Soldiers, Engineers, Medics - people have been there, done that. Those classes are "boring" to a lot of people. But the Operative...now he sounds interesting....Basically, they talk about Operatives a lot because he is the easiest class to use, to get people interested in the game. regardless how much facts and information you drill into people's heads about how the class and the game works, some people are always going to associate "Operative," with "ninja sniper."

Agreed it does draw more attention from people having the concept of being a ninja or 007 spy. But the Operative class isnt groundbreaking either it has been around just as long as Medics,Soldiers,Engineers with the same key abilities. I think every class in Brink is interesting because even though they are the same base class archytypes they have all been given all new abilities to interact with one another as a team. Would be nice to see more details on every class instead of them just focusing on pushing the "cool" factor of the Operative and his sly cooper gameplay so to speak.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:12 am

Backstab doesnt sound bad if its OHK, unless the operatives footsteps are silent like in COD when you have the Ninja perk. Otherwise its fairly balanced.

Self Revive sounds reasonable, it makes sense as in other games a medic can heal everyone but himself.

Laz Grenade is the one i dont like, just to instantly revive everyone at once sounds stupid, but the downed people may not expect, and just get shot to pieces again, so a well co-ordinated team will use this effectively. Should have long cooldown, like 1 every ten minutes or something, i dont know how long the games are so i cant comment.

Are these abilities confirmed as being abilities gained early or late in the game, it would make sense for the laz or self revive to be unlocked in the late stages of the game.
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Sami Blackburn
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:30 pm

The Laz grenade won't be overpowered. How often are you going to find three or more dead guys close enough together to all be revived by one grenade? Unless your team travels like a school of fish you'll probably be reviving just one or maybe two guys at a time. But you'll be able to do it from a distance, which I think is the real advantage of the skill.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:49 pm

Remember how they talked about how players have "pips" that they can use for their abilities? I think the self-revive should take all of them, so if the medic revives himself, he has to suffer by not being able to revive others for a good period of time.

That defeats the purpose. The self revive isn't so the medic can go out and score more kills for himself, it's so he can go heal his team faster. If you take away his ability to be a medic, then you're promoting medic-soldiers, players who use the medic just to heal themselves as the run into battle over and over again. It was my understanding that the self res would be once per real life. As in, spawn, down but not out, self res, down but not out, can no longer self res, dead, spawn, can now self res.

The biggest problem (especially with medic skills) won't be them being OP per se, but them promoting non-team oriented thinking.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:57 pm

Just because you obviously didn't read my previous comment that I was referring to....

Let me explain, Operative backstabs guy, operative does flippy thingy and backstabs another, then immediately another, then run-slides behind the guy shooting at him and stabs him too, 3 seconds have passed. Obviously if that was possible, in the right hands, the backstab ability would be very powerful, possibly even OVERPOWERED (OP*)

Lets not forget though that we are apparently going to be limited to the number of abilities we will be able to use. So even though an operative might have all those abilities, they might not have complete access to them at all times. Granted, the amount of abilities a character can have is just what I've read through others posts, I haven't heard/read any developers blogs saying that.

If you have the ability to cook a grenade, you can kill a three person cluster before they know what hit them (no fear of resistance), that only takes a 5s cook and you can kill the same 3 people without alerting them in the first place, so maybe cooking grenades is OP as well.

The probably have a slight animation to avoid people walking around auto backstabbing anyone in range. There is a point when things are just too EZ, SD probably wouldn't approve of auto backstabbing as fun.

I thought I saw somewhere you can have 4 Universal abilities and 3 per class (1 for each open spot on the D-pad for console) so you can't specialize (16 total), this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m2b-j1Yu8M @ 2:55 does contradict that though, as there are 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 10 (extra credits) + (sticky grenade for operative=1)=18 (without passive operative abilities). Plus anything else they might give each class standard. This video easily could have been before they picked a set number (4 + 3). Assuming you can have more than 18, there are probably 20 total, with 4 Universal and 4 per class. At level 2, players seem to have 4 + 3 + 4 + 4 + (x) unlocks for operative where x may equal 6, assuming at level 2 you have 21 unlocks and at level 20 you have 40 unlocks, which can be distributed any way you want, see this http://www.brinkthegame.com/media/videos/?id=77, where the engineer has 8 unlocks at level 2.

16 with 4 per Universal and 3 per class may make the most sense, although you might get 20 unlocks to start yourself off, and 40 by level 20. Also they said that there are more than 50 and you can't get all the abilities on one character. They also said if they have 100 and only 80 are fun, they will ship with 80. Considering they have 10 abilities per page, they have to have at least 50 abilities anyway.

To address Ghostwolf67, I am pretty sure sticky grenades have a cooldown, otherwise you could spam them and they would instantly be OP lol.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:43 pm

The Laz grenade won't be overpowered. How often are you going to find three or more dead guys close enough together to all be revived by one grenade? Unless your team travels like a school of fish you'll probably be reviving just one or maybe two guys at a time. But you'll be able to do it from a distance, which I think is the real advantage of the skill.

Agreed I dont see these being OP because like you said how many times are you going to come across a group of friendlies who are bleeding out close enough to revive them all. Most the time people will finish off there kills especially in a situation where there may be multiple people close to eachother to prevent the Laz grenades from doing such a game changing counter attack so I dont see them being that effective in reviving multiple people. Like you said the biggest advantage to them will be the distance you can revive your teamates. One the main factors in seeing if Laz grenades will be effective is how many times you have to shoot/ knife a downed enemy to finish them off. If you have to put 8-15 rounds into an incapcitated body to finish them off or melee the body 3-5 times then that would be a little messed out and lead to alot of people not finishing off there kills because thats alot of time to have to be looking down at an incapacitated enemy leaving yourself vunerable. Also will be interesting to see how many Pips they take to use because I dont really think they will be huge game changers so cant see them having some ridiculous Pip usage or crazy cooldown just enough to cook people form spamming them sitting at a safe distance and actually having to be a field medic as well.
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Pete Schmitzer
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:35 am

"Seeing as we were the soldier class, Wedgwood recommended we take the flashbangs along, which incidentally reminds me that Splash Damage has taken an interesting stance on grenades in Brink, choosing to give players an unlimited amount, but with there being about a 20-30 second cooldown between each being able to throw each one... so no grenade spamming!"
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sarah taylor
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:44 pm

"Seeing as we were the soldier class, Wedgwood recommended we take the flashbangs along, which incidentally reminds me that Splash Damage has taken an interesting stance on grenades in Brink, choosing to give players an unlimited amount, but with there being about a 20-30 second cooldown between each being able to throw each one... so no grenade spamming!"

Now we need to know, is the unlimited nade thing for everybody, or just Soldiers (since they can specialize in nades). I'll assume it's for everyone, in which case, Laz nades (which most likely replace regular nades) can only be used once every 20-30 seconds. So you have a long cooldown, AND it replaces your regular nades - I think that's fair.

As for backstabs - let me give you a bit more detail of how they worked in QW and ET.

1. you had to be really [censored] close to the guy to do it. To me at least, it seemed like you had to be closer to initiate a backstab, then you did to initiate a normal melee attack.
2. you had to be in the exact position to trigger the backstab icon to popup. It wasn't like "get behind him anywhere and melee = automatic backstab." It was much more precise than that.

Backstabs worked best on stationary targets, since you had to be in the right position to trigger the icon to popup. This was much harder on an enemy that was moving.

I'm not saying this is how it will work in Brink, but since this is how it worked in previous games, It's likely it will be the same in Brink.
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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 11:36 pm

hmm, that would mean backstabs will be hard to pull off, and would reinforce the operatives position as being a hard to master, but very deadly class.
something Wraith wanted i recall
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jason worrell
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:02 pm

Are these abilities confirmed as being abilities gained early or late in the game, it would make sense for the laz or self revive to be unlocked in the late stages of the game.

You can purchase any new ability every time you level up.

The Laz grenade won't be overpowered. How often are you going to find three or more dead guys close enough together to all be revived by one grenade? Unless your team travels like a school of fish you'll probably be reviving just one or maybe two guys at a time. But you'll be able to do it from a distance, which I think is the real advantage of the skill.

Agreed I dont see these being OP because like you said how many times are you going to come across a group of friendlies who are bleeding out close enough to revive them all. Most the time people will finish off there kills especially in a situation where there may be multiple people close to eachother to prevent the Laz grenades from doing such a game changing counter attack so I dont see them being that effective in reviving multiple people. Like you said the biggest advantage to them will be the distance you can revive your teamates. One the main factors in seeing if Laz grenades will be effective is how many times you have to shoot/ knife a downed enemy to finish them off. If you have to put 8-15 rounds into an incapcitated body to finish them off or melee the body 3-5 times then that would be a little messed out and lead to alot of people not finishing off there kills because thats alot of time to have to be looking down at an incapacitated enemy leaving yourself vunerable. Also will be interesting to see how many Pips they take to use because I dont really think they will be huge game changers so cant see them having some ridiculous Pip usage or crazy cooldown just enough to cook people form spamming them sitting at a safe distance and actually having to be a field medic as well.

Well imagine your team is trying to bust though an enemies defense and have your team is wiped but so is half of theirs, the laz grenade and you are almost back to full strength. I see it as the ubercharge of this game.

hmm, that would mean backstabs will be hard to pull off, and would reinforce the operatives position as being a hard to master, but very deadly class.
something Wraith wanted i recall

Very much so. High risk and high reward. I know people tire of TF2 references but hears another. A good spy is an asset to his team and a nightmare to his enemies. A bad spy is a nightmare to work with and makes the other team's life a lot easier.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:29 pm

If everyone i tired of TF2 refrences maybe we should start with MNC references.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:47 pm

Well imagine your team is trying to bust though an enemies defense and have your team is wiped but so is half of theirs, the laz grenade and you are almost back to full strength. I see it as the ubercharge of this game.

One thing to note, is that killing enemies using "excessive force," like grenades or other explosive damage, will kill an enemy outright, leaving no option for revival. So if you're up against a team with a bunch of Medics, all with Laz grenades, counter it by using nades, GL's and so forth to kill enemies.

Of course, this is how it worked in ET and QW, so it could differ. However, seeing as it is a very balanced gameplay mechanic, and they did it in their previous games, having it work the same in Brink is very plausible.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:45 am

Very much so. High risk and high reward. I know people tire of TF2 references but hears another. A good spy is an asset to his team and a nightmare to his enemies. A bad spy is a nightmare to work with and makes the other team's life a lot easier.

Amen to that brutha. A Good Spy identifies targets and eliminates them strategically, changing disguises depending on the amount of enemies. (A Good Spy should never disguise as a Soldier, Heavy or Scout, Scouts are obvious because they move so slowly and can't double jump (Although you can sometimes get away with it), and Heavy and Soldier are very slow so it is hard to catch up with important targets like the Medic, or the enemy soldier who is moving at the same speed or faster in the correct direction. Plus you depend on them having a heavy or soldier.)

And i don't think the Laz grenade will be a reuse ability. You can't just spam Laz grenades. I would think it would take out 3/4 of your ability bar. And SD are quite good at balancing stuff, so i think it works.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:10 pm

"Seeing as we were the soldier class, Wedgwood recommended we take the flashbangs along, which incidentally reminds me that Splash Damage has taken an interesting stance on grenades in Brink, choosing to give players an unlimited amount, but with there being about a 20-30 second cooldown between each being able to throw each one... so no grenade spamming!"

Either this is for soldiers (seeing as how he played as one), or he is referring to the ability bar refilling to have enough pips for him to use a grenade. I don't think the grenades themselves have a cooldown, but that using them takes ability pips.
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