Before you freak out cause omg another thread, I have a reason for wanting a third thread.
I simply wish to reword my claims and present them head-to-head with the current system.
I for one am of the opinion that Skyrim could be a better balanced, more challenging game if the following changes were made. Mind you I realize they're done working on Skyrim, I simply suggest these changes for FO4, TES VI and future titles and wish to hear opinions:
1. Remove killcams from occuring on the player, simply because with the current programming, the player can instantly die at any time if an enemy simply ATTEMPTS to attack the player with an attack that deals more HP than he has, regardless of if the attempt would connect or not; the player is given no chance to avoid it. This forces the player to get above a certain amount of HP/Defense to avoid such killcams entirely, which quickly leads to the player becoming overpowered because they've stacked their defense and HP for end-game killcam capabilities.
2. Give pots a limit and/or cooldown, and/or lower their effectiveness AKA remove the "fully heal the player" versions. These are problematic because there literally isn't any way for an enemy to out-damage the player's healing ability, because the player's healing ability is literally infinite.
3. Rework the damage resistance system. 80% damage reduction across the board for all enemy types is far too drastic of a reduction and creates balance issues, resulting in players either becoming indestructable, becoming absolute oneshots if they don't have the best gear or both. Good alternatives would either be adopting the DT system of FO: NV or downscaling the scope of the current damage resistance system, thus capping the maximum damage resistance at 40% or 50% instead of 80%, thus reducing the gap between the best and worse characters and making enemies easier to balance for both (AKA weak characters fair better and strong characters experience more of a challenge)
Issues created by such a large gap can be seen where I breeze through the game with the armor cap, and seen again where this guy is practically invulnerable to damage thanks to 80% damage resistance, but gets oneshot almost instantly by anything magic due to 0% magic resistance.
4. Tougher enemies should focus on gaining more offense and attack power, not more HP and defense. Likewise, the player character should have more offensive potential than defensive. Gameplay where both the enemy and the player have high defense and HP is slow, repetitive, tedious, predictable, and affords the player plenty of time to react and prevent their own demise. Gameplay where both the enemy and the player have superior offensive capabilities to their defensive ones produces fast-paced, dynamic and exciting combat where the player must stay on their toes or they'll die, while also creating a game where the player doesn't have to spend 5 minutes just to kill a dragon. Instead of slow dragon fights the player KNOWS he can win, they'd be fast-paced and quite dangerous, making every encounter a threat for the player while simultaneously removing the problem of the fight being "boring" and time-consuming. Again, the combat produced by a defense-heavy system can be seen
So now I ask you, would you prefer seeing the above three changes made, or do you think the current system Skyrim has is better than if the above three suggestions were implemented?
Poll included so people can vote.