Overpowered Dual-Wield

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:47 am

I feel completely opposite. My first character is dual wielder with almost all perks. He is almost impossible to play on master difficulty without relying on your companion to tank all the hits. Power attack animation locks you in place and enemies just one shot you. Without power attacks dual wield deals no damage and even with them its just ok/. 2h does a lot more damage and at range even with regular attacks . Its power attacks stagger and are easier to use due to reach. I do not need companion at all (well except for carrying junk)

2Handed power attack locks you even more. Also use your superior movement to deal with range.
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rheanna bruining
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:15 pm

I play a dual wielder and just got dual wield flurry or whatever its called lastnight, but it isn't easy to use either, It takes a second to set it up a power attack, and you have to be really close to pull it off. Many times your enemy will move away before you can connect.

I was messing around last night in Whiterun trying to kill all the guards. I haven't played as a 2Hander yet, but I will tell you, those 2H guards are scary. In 2 hits I was basically dead unless I took a potion. And they are just using steel weapons I can't imagine if they were using something better, it could have easily been OHK.

I do use light armor, but its good, the stuff from a higher thieves guild quest and have 2 perks in it as well, but still those 2h guys are really brutal.
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:09 pm

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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:23 am

I play a dual wielder and just got dual wield flurry or whatever its called lastnight, but it isn't easy to use either, It takes a second to set it up a power attack, and you have to be really close to pull it off. Many times your enemy will move away before you can connect.

I was messing around last night in Whiterun trying to kill all the guards. I haven't played as a 2Hander yet, but I will tell you, those 2H guards are scary. In 2 hits I was basically dead unless I took a potion. And they are just using steel weapons I can't imagine if they were using something better, it could have easily been OHK.

I do use light armor, but its good, the stuff from a higher thieves guild quest and have 2 perks in it as well, but still those 2h guys are really brutal.

Except as far as I'm aware power attacks are broken and do no extra damage, and the power attacks are slower than normal attacks... Maybe if they fix power attacksany time soon...

This is wrong.

When I pull a power attack using my dual wield orc I will 1 hit anything but a dungeon boss, I will 2 hit them.
I could use double tap for dual swings with no power attack, and trust me, I will need around 10+ hits in to kill the same dungeon boss.

Atleast for me, powerattacks definately work.

The draw back with dual wield is that you can not block. With 2h you can actually parry, or block. And the block talents in the block perk tree works with 2h, not all of them, but many.
So although 2h in the long run do less damage, its individual power attacks when they connect, do instantly more damage, but above all, they benefit from being able to block attacks, which you cant when your dual wielding.

Then again, who needs to block attacks when your dual wielding as you kill the enemies so fast you dont take any damage anyway.
I took far far more damage going sword and shield, and blocking then hitting, then just going dual wield and power attacking them to pulp.

As for Light vs Heavy armor.

Light armor +50% endurance reg is a very nice perk. But higher in level, you have so much stamina I dont see it as a problem anyway. Instead, Im dual wielding using heavy armor, and although at first I regreted not going light, I can say I definately appreciate the survival from it.

Main drawback with heavy armor is that you have 1 maybe 2 rather pointless perks in heavy armor tree, while in the light armor tree all perks are good.
You must take unarmed in heavy armor to continue down the line, thats just 1 skill point wasted since you want to eventually have your armor not weight anything.

Above all, most light armors looks really good.
But, playing my orc, Im wearing full heavy orc armor. And I dont want to replace it for anything better due to the simple fact it looks just amazingly evil.
My character looks like a warboss Uruk hai from the deepest nightmares of Frodo Bagger.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:22 pm

This forum amazes me. It's almost nothing else but posts claiming something is overpowered right above posts claiming the same thing is nerfed surrounded by posts claiming something else is overpowered and nerfed at once. Seriously, it's nutty. Just play the game how you want and make it work. That's what the difficulty slider is for.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:16 am

This is wrong.

When I pull a power attack using my dual wield orc I will 1 hit anything but a dungeon boss, I will 2 hit them.
I could use double tap for dual swings with no power attack, and trust me, I will need around 10+ hits in to kill the same dungeon boss.

Atleast for me, powerattacks definately work.

The draw back with dual wield is that you can not block. With 2h you can actually parry, or block. And the block talents in the block perk tree works with 2h, not all of them, but many.
So although 2h in the long run do less damage, its individual power attacks when they connect, do instantly more damage, but above all, they benefit from being able to block attacks, which you cant when your dual wielding.

Then again, who needs to block attacks when your dual wielding as you kill the enemies so fast you dont take any damage anyway.
I took far far more damage going sword and shield, and blocking then hitting, then just going dual wield and power attacking them to pulp.

As for Light vs Heavy armor.

Light armor +50% endurance reg is a very nice perk. But higher in level, you have so much stamina I dont see it as a problem anyway. Instead, Im dual wielding using heavy armor, and although at first I regreted not going light, I can say I definately appreciate the survival from it.

Main drawback with heavy armor is that you have 1 maybe 2 rather pointless perks in heavy armor tree, while in the light armor tree all perks are good.
You must take unarmed in heavy armor to continue down the line, thats just 1 skill point wasted since you want to eventually have your armor not weight anything.

Above all, most light armors looks really good.
But, playing my orc, Im wearing full heavy orc armor. And I dont want to replace it for anything better due to the simple fact it looks just amazingly evil.
My character looks like a warboss Uruk hai from the deepest nightmares of Frodo Bagger.

They should've made them evenly, by giving DW abit defensive options.

1H for constant and fast damage

2H for slow and burst damage.

So everyone would play what they wanted to play, not because of "AMG WHICH HAZ BEST DAMAGE"
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:58 pm

Im still going to use 2-handed even if it is not as good. Nothing more satisfying than decapitating someone with a 2-handed hammer!
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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:24 am

Same. I like to hit, and when I hit, I'd want to pack a bunch.
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Bek Rideout
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:28 pm

I don't get why people are trying to min/max this game so hard.
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:59 am

No, 2 Handed power attack consumes more.

Two handed weapon attack power isn't twice as much that of one handed. It is only %86 more than a one handed.

About my calculations, seems I made a mistake on a rush, thanks for pointing that out, I'll try to edit it if possible.

Stop posting wrong information a power attack with a steel great sword cost around 50 stamina, a dual wield power attack with steel sword cost around 75, that's with both cost reduction perk.

As far as damage goes with max skill perk a dual wield power atack with legendary daedric sword hit about 50% harder than a standing power attack with a legendary greatsword..(normal legendary at 100 smithing skill, no exploit).
field testing however have shown that dual wield power attack suffer from some serious desing issue, I stoped counting how many times the first two hit of the power attack pushed the target out of rangerand the last two hit failed to connect. you really have to be standing on the enemy toes to be sure all 4 hits will connect, it gets tedius fast.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:50 pm

Stop posting wrong information a power attack with a steel great sword cost around 50 stamina, a dual wield power attack with steel sword cost around 75, that's with both cost reduction perk.

As far as damage goes with max skill perk a dual wield power atack with legendary daedric sword hit about 50% harder than a standing power attack with a legendary greatsword..(normal legendary at 100 smithing skill, no exploit).
field testing however have shown that dual wield power attack suffer from some serious desing issue, I stoped counting how many times the first two hit of the power attack pushed the target out of rangerand the last two hit failed to connect. you really have to be standing on the enemy toes to be sure all 4 hits will connect, it gets tedius fast.

I didn't get what you try to say.

DW + Max Perk + Power Attack(without Standing Bonus) VS. 2H + Max Perk + Standing Power Attack


DW + Max Perk + Standing Power Attack VS 2H + Max Perk + Standing Power Attack ?

if it's the former, Dual Wield has %75 more powerful Power Attack.

in both cases, DW has the upper hand, and it shouldn't, because it already has upperhand in normal attacks.

PS: You mean "Legendary Daedric Greatsword" or "Legendary Iron Greatsword"?
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Ryan Lutz
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:06 am

Stop posting wrong information a power attack with a steel great sword cost around 50 stamina, a dual wield power attack with steel sword cost around 75, that's with both cost reduction perk.

As far as damage goes with max skill perk a dual wield power atack with legendary daedric sword hit about 50% harder than a standing power attack with a legendary greatsword..(normal legendary at 100 smithing skill, no exploit).
field testing however have shown that dual wield power attack suffer from some serious desing issue, I stoped counting how many times the first two hit of the power attack pushed the target out of rangerand the last two hit failed to connect. you really have to be standing on the enemy toes to be sure all 4 hits will connect, it gets tedius fast.

DW does far more damage with regular attack
DW does far more damage with power attacks
DW can enchant weapons for much better damage overall than a 2H enchant

2H on other hand, has ability to block, also can do directional swinging.

The question is, why would you need block or directional swinging when you kill most of the enemies in one power attack.
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:48 am

I don't get why people are trying to min/max this game so hard.

If I wanted to min/max I'd go for dual wield, I'm reporting unfairness here.
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:11 pm

I'm roleplaying a character similar to an Artemis Entreri character but with more of a bow focus. I use archery first then fall back on Sword and Dagger when I'm pressed. It's a really fun way to play but dual wielding does remove some tactics from the combat

You guys seriously need to stop playing on Adept or below. Anyone can faceroll the game dual-wielding on those difficulties. Expert and above not really because the range on one-handed power attacks is TERRIBLE and if you aren't kissing the enemy, you will miss half, if not all of the swings. Yes, it's certainly "more damage" when it lands, but you would actually do as much or be better off with just using Deadly Bash and then finishing them when they are staggered or knocked to the ground. The perk for decapitaion when doing a standing power attack doesn't even work either. The only time you ever get decaps is from standard, non power attacks...

If I wanted to min/max I'd go for dual wield, I'm reporting unfairness here.

The only thing that's truly "unfair" is not the just the damage, it's the fact that two-handed weapons are so damn slow in comparison to the damage they deal and they leave you so open after ever attempted power attack. If their damage actually matched their speed and your power attack staggered them longer so you could recover, they would be fine.
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Emily Martell
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:48 am

Dual Wielding has something even better than block.


Who needs to block an attack when you can outmanouver the dumb AI? :P
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:49 pm

You guys seriously need to stop playing on Adept or below. Anyone can faceroll the game dual-wielding on those difficulties. Expert and above not really because the range on one-handed power attacks is TERRIBLE and if you aren't kissing the enemy, you will miss half, if not all of the swings. Yes, it's certainly "more damage" when it lands, but you would actually do as much or be better off with just using Deadly Bash and then finishing them when they are staggered or knocked to the ground. The perk for decapitaion when doing a standing power attack doesn't even work either. The only time you ever get decaps is from standard, non power attacks...

The only thing that's truly "unfair" is not the just the damage, it's the fact that two-handed weapons are so damn slow in comparison to the damage they deal and they leave you so open after ever attempted power attack. If their damage actually matched their speed and your power attack staggered them longer so you could recover, they would be fine.

Yeah, there is something wrong with difficulty, it's too easy for a RPG game in Adept, especially for overpowered damage builds like DW.

About the damage issue, 2 Handed feels seriously weak comparing DW, considering they outdamage 2H in every area(Regular, Power, Enchanted). They should just give them block and even the damage output out, I did not wear 2 handed to be defensive, if I wanted that I'd go for 1H & shield.

I have an idea, they could give an animation to DW, where you cross both of your weapons to block, or something different, and fix whole damn thing, even the damage. So everyone can play what they wanted to play happiliy.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:16 am

Dual Wielding has something even better than block.


Who needs to block an attack when you can outmanouver the dumb AI? :P

I said that many many times, people tend to claim block is godly skill and it is normal to be overpowered in terms damage if lacking it.
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Lauren Dale
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:15 am

Basically, every dimwitted troll who only played DW so far, says it's too weak against incoming damage, and it has right to be overpowered in terms of dealing damage then listing stupid bugs even 2H has as an excuse.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:07 pm

You have literally no defense when using two, I think its balanced fine. Also, you attack three times in the flurry, I should know I've been using dual weapons from the start. The standing Power Attack does do massive damage though and is insanely powerful, but it leaves you open to attacks and immobile for mages and rangers.


I use a shield and one hander usually but I recently started dual wielding because I got my block to 100.

You may do a lot of damage, but you are vulnerable to take a lot of damage as well, which is how it's supposed to be.
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:33 am


I use a shield and one hander usually but I recently started dual wielding because I got my block to 100.

You may do a lot of damage, but you are vulnerable to take a lot of damage as well, which is how it's supposed to be.

Did you properly test a 2H? No, then stop commenting here by promoting others comments, which you don't know if it's truth or half-arsed assumption.

Same guy said he sees no point in 2H after playing DW.

Also 2H blocking is not same as 1H and Shield, get your facts right.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 4:44 am

I'll list it brief again, many dimwitted has issues to understand it.

2Handed is too damn slow for the damage it deals, DW on other hand, is faster and able to output much much more damage(Thanks to it's superior regular attack, superior power attack, and 2x enchantments)

Yes they lack the block ability, but that's only tradeoff they have, which is tiny compared to what they gain.

Range is only slightly ahead of 1H (Between 1.25x and 1.50x) so don't go spout nonsense like "YOU'VE SUPERIOR REACH" or "YOU HAVE BLOCK"

DW can evade with their superior movement and versatility, and they can wear heavy armor too.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 12:49 pm


31 Level Nord, with dual Ebony Axe killing a Dragon(Vuljotnaak), a giant, and a mammoth in 20 seconds.

2Handed of same level, with Ebony Warhammer, cannot even do half of that.
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His Bella
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:31 am


Guy finished a blood dragon under 6 seconds on Master difficulty. Everyone who says anything about block or reach is retarted from now.
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:50 pm

Updated first page article, read it up people.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:03 am

Delete this reply please.
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