That has got to be the plain most stupid thing ive EVER heard,you REALLY think that if someone hit you with a warhammer on your shoulder you just go ow,get someone to hit you with a normal size house hold hammer at full swing and you will be lucky if you ever use your shoulder again.A hammer the size of the hammers in oblivion wouldnt even be able to be swung,and saying its a fantasy game is just daft,plenty of the oblivion content is firmly based on REAL world stuff infact most IS.At no point did i say i hated oblivion i just said i hoped they hadnt gone the same ott style and plastic textures.The lord of the rings books and films are Fantasy but i dont see any stupid sized weapons and i think most sensible people would agree the Art direction in the films is second to none.
You are slightly incorrect with some of your statements about the TES universe being firmly based on real world "stuff". The physics in the TES universe are, in fact, largely the same as real world physics (discounting magic, of course); however, the races of Tamriel are NOT human, and do not have the same limitations. Yes, a Bosmer wielding one of Oblivions warhammers did look fairly ridiculous, but most of the races are physically far superior to a real world human, not to mention the one's using warhammers are typically very well trained warriors, and look as realistic (as far as the physics go, granted the limitations of the engine and technology in use at the time) as I think a fantasy game should. The warhammer's size did not seem at all unrealistic for an orc, nord, redguard or even a well trained imperial to use. Now, are they realistic compared to real world warhammers? Not in the slightest, but they weren't meant to look like real warhammers.
I do agree that the artistic style of Oblivion was quite different than previous entries, and I very much prefer the styles of previous games. As for "plastic" textures, that's largely due to the limitations of the technology of the time combined with the new art direction. It was just a bad combo, and came out a bit off. I do, however, think that comparing a video game to a movie series is very unfair. They are completely different mediums, and trying to judge one based on the other is just a fallacy. You are also comparing two completely different franchises. Yes, TES and LotR are both fantasy franchises. They both have magic, and even have orcs! But that's about all they have in common, and again judging one based on the other is again, a logical fallacy.