Dear fellow wanderers,
In approximately an hour's time, I will have my very first Fallout game in my hands, and I am very, very excited to play it for the first time. I've played Skyrim a lot, but I find that the SPECIAL and perk system of FO4 is very overwhelming in the sense that I have no idea where to put my points at all or what perks to invest in first and strive to get in the future.
I would like a sniper build, but then again, I would hate to limit myself to sneaking around and sniping only. The rifles look very enticing as well. And on the other hand, how do I balance it with Charisma perks and Intelligence perks? Skyrim never had this issue, and in a sense was a lot more straightforward. It was choose a weapon you want and you can now play with it with it's skill tree. But now, I've got to factor in so many things, like lockpicking, hacking, crafting etc. In Skyrim, things like lock picking was never an issue because you could max it easily without using any 'points' by simply levelling up your lock picking skills by simply, lock picking.
Well, I guess this post is more of a sharing session, of my enthusiasm and yet slight apprehension of this game that I so look forward to finally diving into.
Although, if any veteran of the series has got a tip or two to share, I would very warmly welcome it.
Cheers, and have a good gaming experience!