» Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:58 pm
Son, you are facing tough, and determined enemies. I can t promise you that you will come home alive, but no one gets left behind, dead or alive we will all come home together, so help me God.
Seriously, sneak around very slowly. Pretend it was you out there....
They spawn far enough away that you should be able to initiate contact out of vats with scoped weapons.
You have to use the right weapons at the right times. We re not in Vegas anymore son. Ammo will run low on everything, you need to use ew, pistols, nades, guns, melee, sometimes all in the same battle.
All the ammo crafting, and ec recycling are now super important. Things like hand loaded rounds are all of a sudden needed. You need to snipe- then use a big hitting mid range weapon-then bust out a mini gun/K9000/FIDO as they advance.
I ve died 8 times myself, but you won t hear me cry. Night stalkers 5/ lombotomites1/ Speciman 73-1/ mk5 gutsies and lombotomites 1.
I love struggleing to survive. Thanks Avellone and Obsidian....