OWB Combat

Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:59 pm

Judging by the comments, it does indeed seem like enemies are scaled, but I'm getting pretty damn frustrated by combat in this dlc. Every time I step outside, hordes of enemies spawn right next to me. While getting my limbs crippled by 1-2 hits from a nightstalker, I'm also getting turned into swiss cheese by multiple lobotomites with brush guns and hunting revolvers or Y-17 Harnesses with Tesla Cannons and Gauss Rifles who are too far away to use vats on, yet move around too much for me to line up a shot with any kind of ranged weapon. I can afford the healing chems, but I can't afford to keep repairing my armor after every little skirmish. I seriously nearly died on very easy. I know I'm a level 44 character, but this is beyond insane.

Am I the only one having difficulty with combat in this dlc?
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:10 am

ass I noted in the other thread...
note there are many MANY places, like pipes, you can get to, most enemies cannot....and green pipes also have frag mine son 'em (so you cna take them)
use yer head ;)
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Sammie LM
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:27 pm

ass I noted in the other thread...
note there are many MANY places, like pipes, you can get to, most enemies cannot....and green pipes also have frag mine son 'em (so you cna take them)
use yer head ;)

While the pipes do take care of the nightstalker problem, they also leave me coverless to the rain of .45-70 and tesla beams.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:32 pm

Pop a bunch of chems to cut down on the damage that you take, and up the damage that you dish out.

Against the ranged enemies, try to get behind some cover and poke out to fire off a few quick shots before ducking back. Against the scorpions, try to dodge shots until you can get into melee range. They shop shooting lasers at this point and they're not very fast, so you can kite them around while beating on them with one of the axes found all over the place. Animals can be killed by letting them get into melee range and backpedaling while attacking. They can still get a few hits in, but you'll kill them much more easily. VATS can also be used to get in several quick shots.

Jury rigging helps cut down on the repair costs, but if nothing else, just start using the armor from your slain foes.
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Scared humanity
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:51 am

Sneak criticals are your friend in this DLC. I always have my Gauss Rifle out (with Max MF cells), If I think I see an enemy: I go sneaky. Also, Frag Mines are helpful to set up traps when the alerted enemies come to you.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:22 pm

Pop a bunch of chems to cut down on the damage that you take, and up the damage that you dish out.

Against the ranged enemies, try to get behind some cover and poke out to fire off a few quick shots before ducking back. Against the scorpions, try to dodge shots until you can get into melee range. They shop shooting lasers at this point and they're not very fast, so you can kite them around while beating on them with one of the axes found all over the place. Animals can be killed by letting them get into melee range and backpedaling while attacking. They can still get a few hits in, but you'll kill them much more easily. VATS can also be used to get in several quick shots.

Jury rigging helps cut down on the repair costs, but if nothing else, just start using the armor from your slain foes.

Scorpions are no problem, I've pretty much been kiting them with the protonic inversal axe since I first started fighting them once I figured out how weak they are in melee combat. And nightstalkers are bearable if it's just them, since I can just pound them with a heated saturnite fist, but it's mainly the lobotomites, and occasionally the harnesses that just wreck me. The nightstalkers are really more of a problem when working in tandem with ranged enemies. And since all of the enemies of Big MT seem to have formed an alliance against me, that's often the case.
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Olga Xx
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:36 pm

hiding behind pipes/rocks helps sneak criticals...well, until enemies spawn right behind. turbo implant helps out a lot too
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:55 pm

I always take Friend to Animals early on. Those Nightstalkers are real tough, killed quite a few Roboscorpians for me.

The Holorifle with OC ammo is just what you need for OWB. A good sniper for long range and a Paladin Toaster for close in.

It's true it's almost tough in some places. Not like most of Fallout NV. ;)

hardcoe, very hard.
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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:28 pm

My recommend weapon is The Survivalist's Rifle and don't need a sneaky attack.

It's so easy to kill Robo-Scorpions about 3 or 4 shots. For Lomotomites, only 1 or 2 shots per kill.
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CHangohh BOyy
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:22 pm

That Gun is easy as hell to get and kills Nightstalkers in 2 headshots.
Hunting Rifle with ample modifications can easily take out the Lobotomites.
Run from cover to cover and use a plasma rifle to take out the Y-17's
Dodge the scorpion's lasers by zig-zagging up to them and just spam them with the Proton Axe, which you get from Lobotomites.

Or just grab some holy hand grenades and a Fat Man and your good to go.
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Gisela Amaya
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:53 pm

My recommend weapon is The Survivalist's Rifle and don't need a sneaky attack.

It's so easy to kill Robo-Scorpions about 3 or 4 shots. For Lomotomites, only 1 or 2 shots to kill.

You must be playin' on a different setting then me. I went with a character straight out of HH, so all I had was the modded sniper I took to HH, ALSID and TS'sR. Combat was actually a pain in the ass. Super alert enemies meant only the first target gets a sneak, and the high DT/high health combo even made a laughing stock of the S'sR. I actaually ended the dlc using the unique LAER and the emitter with Gabe's bark. I was critting left and right with the emitter and just knocking stuff around like the old days in FO3 when I used to go Overlord bowling with a gauss rifle.

-Gunny out.
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:19 am

Use sneak criticals! Very important, try to sneak and find a good spot to shoot those lobotomite bastards in the head, a well-placed crital with a brush gun or hunting revolver in their head can at least down 80% of their HP if not used to Guns skill. Snipers are a good option against lobotomites and harnesses having in mind you gotta be careful wandering the Big MT, I'm almost all time on caution while getting out og the Think Tank. About the Scorpions, use the Protonic Axe while near them, that's the easiest way I found even with a 40 melee skill.

Nightstalkers, use a Laser Rifle or RCW or even a sub machinegun and dpray it on them while running, try getting on obstacles they can't reach (above something maybe) and kill 'em. While they may sometimes run away if they can't get you, just get out of the obstacle, wait for them to come and repeat the process. There will be a moment Scorpions will be all over before safe spots so watch out as you progress. I use the Robotics Expert perk with robots, rack up some stealth boys for the test missions.
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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 11:38 am

I would stay in the Big empty forever, fighting lobotomites and berserk space suits, if the enemies would actually respawn :(
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laila hassan
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:58 am

OWB is 1 of the only dlc that made me want to yell when i was playing on very hard HH Dead money eh not really that hard cause they send maybe 1-4 people at you at once in OWB you fight Big ass bugs Lobotomites space suit people Robots and night stalkers that can cripple you in 2-4 hits and you could fight most of these at the same time so if your having a problem with it bring a [censored] load of ammo and stims. Or turn it to easy
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:46 am

I would stay in the Big empty forever, fighting lobotomites and berserk space suits, if the enemies would actually respawn :(

Mine respawn every time I go inside a building its a bit annoying but I kill everything on hard in at most 3 hits and that's the harness.I use the super heated fist with piercing strike and 9 str not to mention 10 luck finesse and better criticals xD
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:41 pm

Oh silly Fallout forums. You cry that New Vegas is to easy, then when a challenge appears, you cry it's to hard. Silly users, you can't have it both ways. (Of course, I play on VE because I find combat a boring thing to deal with :wink: )
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:20 pm

Honestly, I had no problem with combat during OWB. Your best friend when dealing with robo-scorpions is the unique proton axe, the protonic inversal axe. When fighting labotomites I used either Elija's advanced LAER or Knock Knock. For long distance shots I was able to incorporate my scoped hunting rifle and eventually Christine's special sniper rifle. most robots in the DLC were also easily destroyed by Elija's LAER or the proton axe. Nightstalkers were somewhat difficult but close melee using Knock Knock usually "Knocked" them out. But having the animal friend perk helps because the Nighstalkers will o longer attack you. I feel that in order to survive in this DLC you must heavily rely on sneak and finding escape routes when dealing with a group of enemies or using the many twists and turns to surprise your enemies before they try to kill you.
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Crystal Clarke
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:15 pm

Oh silly Fallout forums. You cry that New Vegas is to easy, then when a challenge appears, you cry it's to hard. Silly users, you can't have it both ways. (Of course, I play on VE because I find combat a boring thing to deal with :wink: )

None-sense, difficulty is what challenges the player, or else it wouldn't be fun, they are just desperate they can't find the right way to deal it.
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:26 pm

None-sense, difficulty is what challenges the player, or else it wouldn't be fun, they are just desperate they can't find the right way to deal it.

I prefer to spend my time scavving and picking through ruins for things to be honest. (Especially Pre-War Money :fallout: )
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:36 pm

None-sense, difficulty is what challenges the player, or else it wouldn't be fun, they are just desperate they can't find the right way to deal it.

Some games combat is just unimportant look at Morrowind Dragon Age Origins and Oblivion I love those games but am not really bothered with combat I just want quest and story as long as those are there its all good.
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:22 pm

Some games combat is just unimportant look at Morrowind Dragon Age Origins and Oblivion I love those games but am not really bothered with combat I just want quest and story as long as those are there its all good.

I agree, though completing a quest with totally no challenge wouldn't be as fun or satisfying either...
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lydia nekongo
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:08 pm

I agree, though completing a quest with totally no challenge wouldn't be as fun or satisfying either...

I haven't found a challenge in games for years I beat everything on the hardest difficulty with easy so the story and exploration are what I crave.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:58 pm

Son, you are facing tough, and determined enemies. I can t promise you that you will come home alive, but no one gets left behind, dead or alive we will all come home together, so help me God.

Seriously, sneak around very slowly. Pretend it was you out there....
They spawn far enough away that you should be able to initiate contact out of vats with scoped weapons.

You have to use the right weapons at the right times. We re not in Vegas anymore son. Ammo will run low on everything, you need to use ew, pistols, nades, guns, melee, sometimes all in the same battle.

All the ammo crafting, and ec recycling are now super important. Things like hand loaded rounds are all of a sudden needed. You need to snipe- then use a big hitting mid range weapon-then bust out a mini gun/K9000/FIDO as they advance.

I ve died 8 times myself, but you won t hear me cry. Night stalkers 5/ lombotomites1/ Speciman 73-1/ mk5 gutsies and lombotomites 1.

I love struggleing to survive. Thanks Avellone and Obsidian....
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:18 pm

Use weapons that you find in the DLC's as they are far more effective than most of the vanilla-based weapons. For example, most of the weapons found in OWB are far more effective in OWB than what one has brought. So long as you brought enough ammo and health items you should be okay, though it would be wise to expect to die a few times here and there. Save early; save often.
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neil slattery
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:37 pm

Oh silly Fallout forums. You cry that New Vegas is to easy, then when a challenge appears, you cry it's to hard. Silly users, you can't have it both ways. (Of course, I play on VE because I find combat a boring thing to deal with :wink: )

ha ha, so true. I'm actually enjoying the challenge on hardcoe / very hard and i love the random spawns. I do alot more running than fighting. Choosing your battles and managing resources is more crucial while in big mt. than in the mojave where resources are much easier to come by.

But my character is lvl 25 so I don't think I've seen the high level scaling many of you are talking about.
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