OWB Frame Rate Drop Solution

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:35 am

Let me start by saying this might not work for you, but so far it has worked for me so I will share with everyone on here.

Delete all the DLC, including your pre order packs in the Game Data(top of the Game section of the XMB) area. DO NOT DELETE SAVED GAME DATA. On PS3 you're forced to delete everything anyway, since it lumps all DLC into one file. Delete the file labeled Fallout: New Vegas DLC.

Go to your Account Management, and click the Transaction Management tab, inside that tab click on Transaction History, then the Download List tab, redownload ONLY OWB, and nothing else.
Start your game, if you managed to make a save outside the Sink in OWB, load up that save and see what you get.
After doing this and playing, the game runs smooth like it should, no frame rate issues, no frame rate freezing. I can actually play!

Reminder: If you took items from the other DLCs in with you I would recommend reloading your save, before you left to go to the Mojave Drive-In and leave any of that stuff behind, because once you delete those DLCs you cannot use those items.

Once you complete OWB, and you reach the Mojave again, save as soon as you get control of your character, and go download the other DLCs again with the method mentioned above, your other DLC stuff will be returned to you once the other DLC is downloaded again.

EDIT: This may cause you to not be able to level up, I noticed this after playing for a bit. To make sure I didn't mess everything up for good, I reinstalled all the other DLC. OWB is still working fine and I can level up again. Now I'm not 100% sure that the other DLCs are the cause of the frame rate freezes, and drop outs like I originally thought. I would recommend using your own discretion, if you want to level up in OWB you might have to wait for an official fix but that WON'T be happening. If you just want to play OWB I recommend giving what I mentioned above a try, you can always level up once you've returned from OWB, and reinstalled the other DLC data.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:40 pm

Seems like something that would work, I haven't tried it yet because I did manage to stockpile tons of new weapons / armor and after reading one part of your post, I guess I'm a bit scared of losing that stuff. Even through all the horrible frame rate issues and freeze ups, I was quick enough with the resets that I'm almost done exploring every part of OWB.

So if there is a chance I might lose all that stuff... well idk.. maybe I misread you but I'll still keep it in mind. In my experience, the regular mojave wasteland doesn't freeze me up much any more- just the Big Empty. I am still saved in the Big Empty right now, so if I just delete and reinstall the DLC while saved there, I shouldn't lose anything right?
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:14 pm

Seems like something that would work, I haven't tried it yet because I did manage to stockpile tons of new weapons / armor and after reading one part of your post, I guess I'm a bit scared of losing that stuff. Even through all the horrible frame rate issues and freeze ups, I was quick enough with the resets that I'm almost done exploring every part of OWB.

So if there is a chance I might lose all that stuff... well idk.. maybe I misread you but I'll still keep it in mind. In my experience, the regular mojave wasteland doesn't freeze me up much any more- just the Big Empty. I am still saved in the Big Empty right now, so if I just delete and reinstall the DLC while saved there, I shouldn't lose anything right?

You won't lose anything, unless you carried stuff from the other DLCs into OWB with you, but you get that stuff back as soon as you install the other DLCs again. You won't lose anything you've collected in OWB either.
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Princess Johnson
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:49 am

So then, If I want to keep all items from ALL DLC.. I may run into the same problems. Well I have not tried it yet but I'm thinking about it now.. cleared all quests in OWB the other day and got plenty of good items I'm hauling back to Mojave. But now Mojave is slowing way down whenever I get anywhere near the strip....

I don't doubt your OWB fix but as we both know this whole thing is FUBAR. Can't stop playing for some reason, though... lol
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