don't know about you, but my lvl 40 character is having a hard time on very hard, I never died so much since I pla ythis dlc and I really need to manage my ammo & health.
Agreed. I was at level 15 when I went in. I brought a butt load of weapons (3 rifles, 1 SMG,, 2 shotguns and 3 energy weapons) and a huge amount of ammo along with about 70 stimpacks plus a boatload of food. I struggled to get through it. Run out of of a couple types of ammo, ran low low on others, along with running out of food and stimpacks constantly. I was grateful for every vending machine, every fridge, and every first aid kit I could find. By the end my combat armor Mk2 was destroyed along with the helmet, Christine's stealth suit was destroyed, and the stealth suit Mk2 was nearly destroyed. And other yeah I died a lot of times, sometimes in the same spot as before. When it was over I was forced to head back to the wasteland as I had no stimpacks, food, or proper armor. IMO hardest DLC to date.