I personally like them,
First off, the emitter is awesome as heck!(I use Tarantula!)
And to people that say all these weapons are weak first off they're not, it's just that the OWB enemies are leveled with you and therefore tough as nails xD(which I enjoyed

I also liked the concept of the cyberdog cannon, I personally use FIDO, the unique one, once again, it pwns in the mojave!:)
The gun I was most excited for then most dissapointed for has to be the LAER, normal and elijah's alike, yeah they're really powerful both of them but the both have terrible terrible terrible hp and the just degrade like speedy gonzales and I just dont like that :/ but I guess I can just use it sparingly

As for the melee's, I quite enjoyed them!
You just gotta love the proton axe and it's unique inversal axe, they pwn everywher xD
As well as the X-2 Antennae, I mean, it's a freakin antennae for christ's sake, it's a one-hit killer in a lot of occasions!

And I just adore all the gloves, from scientist's to Kliens to sterilize to corrosive, they're pretty darn good for literally being just a glove xD
Ant the saturnite fist is an all around ok powerfist! For unarmed users I suggest getting the super-heated saturnite fist! It's a great weapon!
So I really basically liked every weapon in this DLC!

What did you guys think of them???