OWB: Sink Barter: No Caps, still no fix?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:14 am

I've been trudging through classes for this last semester and holding out on OWB till I had free time. Well, I finally got it and after hours of playing OWB I've hit the five month old bartering bug at The Sink. For me, it doesn't seem to reset - I've seen the post (from waaaaaay back in July) about how not to let the sink get above 32000 credits (too late for me) and to wait 4 days out on the balcony between transactions. Now for me, after 4 days I can sell -some- things, but the sinks balance is still high and I have -no- way of knowing when it's going to start shorting me on caps. Basically I have to do this now:
1) wait 4 days on the balcony
2) save
3) sell things, keeping track of which items I'm selling, until I start getting shorted
4) reload
5) sell those items UP to the point where I know I'll get shorted
6) go outside and wait another 4 days
7) repeat

This is -unbearably- slow. There -has- to be some kind of fix out there besides this that I'm missing right? Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've scoured the internet and haven't found anything. Perhaps my google-fu is lacking.

Any assistance is welcome, and Thank You In Advance.
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:17 am

Apparently you have to use a third party mod to fix this issue, and/or use a console hack to retrieve your unpaid for goods since the sink cannot be depended upon:


Here's the thread detailing how to use the console to get your stolen gear back:


It'd be nice if one didn't have to depend on third parties to fix this stuff... it's... fairly sad, really :-/
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Bonnie Clyde
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