i've played it 3/4 [or half? i don't know for certain] way thru a few times and am now bored with FONV OWB which is utterly disappointing for me cos i was thoroughly enjoying the whole experience [difficulty inclusive] and for me this game is now a write off until it is either fixed/explained and so i'm going back to the games i was playing before i got FONV. i often just put up with bugs but... NO CAPS??? i need caps to repair my armour!!!
it is safe to say i won'#t be buying another add on until i've waited 6 months [which is what i usually do - FO3, eg] and i don't think i'll be bothering with the other 2 add ons until a year or so has passed.
i mean, why bother? i bought OWB as soon as it comes out and what happens? the game becomes almost unplayable cos of a glitch leaving me to grab dead lobos crappy armour cos i don't have any caps to repair the excellent armour i already have and, tbph, I JUST DO NOT WANT TO REPLAY THE WHOLE BLOODY THING ALL OVER AGAIN AS i'm the kinda player who searches every nook and cranny for items/quests etc so i get a lot of play out of a game. also, i go for high speech, science/medicine/survival for the more role playing aspects so am really up sht creek when trying to sneak past enemies that just cannot be crept past. FACT.
[sorry for the [censored]ing, btw].
praying the devs/bugfixers get this sorted soon.
the only advantage to all this is that i do have a lot of games i put off playing to play FONV so... glass half full, etc
l8r guys