OWB is up on steam right now!

Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:42 am

you know what

Every FNV owner outside the USA should hit that link over and over until it becomes available!!

You are assuming that they are not already doing that?
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Gemma Woods Illustration
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:05 am

You are assuming that they are not already doing that?


Valve give themselves a self inflicted DNS attack!

I like it
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:10 pm

So thats a no for Singpore/Australia (which presumably means no one in asia can get it) and a no to the Netherlands (that presumably means no one in Europe can get it)

I wonder if the Canadians can get it......

I can confirm the UK don't have it yet, so yeah, I'd say Europe region is SOL.

Feels bad, man :sadvaultboy:
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:11 am

I bought this game from STEAM 3 frickin hours ago and the darn thing hasn't updated or downloaded. I hate STEAM!

:brokencomputer: :brokencomputer: :brokencomputer: :brokencomputer: :swear:

Rebooted my PC and NOW it is updating...grrrr 3 hours to wait. :shakehead:
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:40 am

I download it and yes i am in US but after i download it, it started to update i already got the new patch so i dont know what its updating i got mine of Steam.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:15 am

So if i want to play this right now, I will have to do a bad thing, :angel: :bolt:
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:22 am

And a fricking big "Nei!!!!" in Norway... I'm starting to consider using a proxy or something.

Doesn't work, I just tried to buy it from the US store using a VPN connection.
I can see it, add it the cart but I can't pay for it. With my real address I can't check out and if I change the country to US I can't pay because Steam just cancels payment and takes me back to the address page...
Guess they notice that the payment address is different from the one I entered in the steam address page.

Using VPN I checked UK, Netherlands and German Steam stores. It's not available in any of these countries yet.
Guess we have to wait till it shows in our region. :(

STEAM svckS!
I seriously hope Bethesda offers alternatives to this piece of crap service for Skyrim...
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 10:16 pm

So thats a no for Singpore/Australia (which presumably means no one in asia can get it) and a no to the Netherlands (that presumably means no one in Europe can get it)

I wonder if the Canadians can get it......

Yup had it by 11:40, been playing ever since. It's pretty good you will like it. ;)
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Chelsea Head
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:38 pm

Here in Canada, woke up at ~5:30am, re-loaded Steam and OWB was available. Download going well, actually it just finished.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:38 pm

Doesn't work, I just tried to buy it from the US store using a VPN connection.
I can see it, add it the cart but I can't pay for it. With my real address I can't check out and if I change the country to US I can't pay because Steam just cancels payment and takes me back to the address page...
Guess they notice that the payment address is different from the one I entered in the steam address page.

Using VPN I checked UK, Netherlands and German Steam stores. It's not available in any of these countries yet.
Guess we have to wait till it shows in our region. :(

STEAM svckS!
I seriously hope Bethesda offers alternatives to this piece of crap service for Skyrim...

Why does steam svck? Just because the game is not released in your region yet because its not time to be its steams fault because they wont let you buy a US version that is already on the market?

I mean seriouslly dont blaim steam because you are impatient and want this DLC asap. I just bought it and its installing now but I am fixing to go back to bed and wont even get the chance to start the new DLC till I get home later tonight around 5pm. That means from now I got 12 hours before I can play this game.

I take that back, I am fixing to try the DLC now cause the download just finished and I dont think the new vegas update along with OWB could only be like 80 mb. I was under the impression it was going to be in the hundreds of MB.

Makes no sense, Under Data Files when the New Vegas start up pops up it doesnt list Old World Blues, but if I right click on New Vegas and go to view downloadable content it says I have Old World Blues aquired through steam store. Surely being almost 6am central time its unlocked, if not I will have to argue with steam that I purchased the product and never got it.
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:59 am

Why does steam svck? Just because the game is not released in your region yet because its not time to be its steams fault because they wont let you buy a US version that is already on the market?

I mean seriouslly dont blaim steam because you are impatient and want this DLC asap. I just bought it and its installing now but I am fixing to go back to bed and wont even get the chance to start the new DLC till I get home later tonight around 5pm. That means from now I got 12 hours before I can play this game.

I take that back, I am fixing to try the DLC now cause the download just finished and I dont think the new vegas update along with OWB could only be like 80 mb. I was under the impression it was going to be in the hundreds of MB.

I'd bet you 50 bucks if the yanks didn't have it either this forum would be ten times busier ;)
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:26 am

Why does steam svck? Just because the game is not released in your region yet because its not time to be its steams fault because they wont let you buy a US version that is already on the market?

I mean seriouslly dont blaim steam because you are impatient and want this DLC asap. I just bought it and its installing now but I am fixing to go back to bed and wont even get the chance to start the new DLC till I get home later tonight around 5pm. That means from now I got 12 hours before I can play this game.

I take that back, I am fixing to try the DLC now cause the download just finished and I dont think the new vegas update along with OWB could only be like 80 mb. I was under the impression it was going to be in the hundreds of MB.

Please continue, my good sir. there are plenty of regions outside the US that use the same US version. Hell, previous DLC US versions were released outside the US around the same time. Why can it not be done now? The folks at steam messed up again.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:57 am

i DLed it, but it isn't working properly. I get a zombie growling, the screen blacks out and returns, and repeats. I have verified it serveral times with 1 file failed and a DL of 632 KB, which i can't find.
The DL for OWB was 728.8 MB for me. :(
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:46 am

Please continue, my good sir. there are plenty of regions outside the US that use the same US version. Hell, previous DLC US versions were released outside the US around the same time. Why can it not be done now? The folks at steam messed up again.

Ok so what if they messed up, doesnt mean steam svcks. Steam like any other program has the chance of having glitches and screw ups. But I will take steam over having all these [censored] forms of anti-piriate software included on cd`s.

As far as other regions using the same US version, I never said all used different verions my point is that some places wont be able to buy a US version for their region due to the fact that they have to have a cleaned up verson. For instance Left 4 Dead was cleaned up for australia where the zombies dont gib, spew blood, or rag doll on the ground but the US version does.

I have no idea where the guy complaining about steam is from but there are more than one reason why he couldnt buy the US version from the US store and hes not in the US. I just wished people would learn to be patient and not worry. The game is coming out today and they will be able to get it, dont know whats all the hype about being the first on your block to download it and own it and play it is all about. I didnt get Honest Hearts till almost 2 weeks after it came out, did I lose any novetly experiance by playing the game so many days after the majority on here has? Nope I still enjoyed the game even if I got it the day it came out.

Just is insane to bash steam though saying steam svcks because you cant wait and download it later.

I'd bet you 50 bucks if the yanks didn't have it either this forum would be ten times busier

Really? It says when I right click on New Vegas and go to view DLC content it says I have Old World Blues, but if I click on Data on the pop up it doesnt list it. I can even go into the game and it doesnt say I have Old World Blues. I just paid for it and installed something at around 90 MB just now and I know it has to be already released in my area since its already 6am central time.

Never mind, steam is great but has its flaws like any other program. Just restarted steam and now I am downloading a 664.7 MB download for New Vegas. This must be the Old World Blues DLC that didnt start after the 90 MB update on New Vegas that started after I paid for Old World Blues. So it looks like I now can go back to bed and sleep until I gotta get up at 8am for work.

As far as the forum being ten times busier, yep it probably would be but I still stand by my orignal point, the DLC will come out theres no need to get all anol and butt hurt over it not being out at the exact time it should be. There are more important things to life than games like this, look at me I just woke up recently to take a leak and checked steam saw it was up and bought it and started the download and now I wont play it till I get home from work at 5pm which is 11 hours away. Really its no real big deal to me, while I love to explore in the fallout world I dont get all filled with rage because somethings alittle late getting out.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:58 pm

STEAM svckS!
I seriously hope Bethesda offers alternatives to this piece of crap service for Skyrim...

True. If it weren't for the current obsession with digital restrictions, I would've just bought it from Amazon (where it would've likely been cheaper) and it would've been delivered first thing.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:20 pm

I'd bet you 50 bucks if the yanks didn't have it either this forum would be ten times busier ;)

Fair enough Zahariel . Fair Enough.

As for you Eman all jokes aside those Yanks founders are European and so is a majority of the country(Meaning all of Europe is accounted for in these people's blood), counting Hispanics and not counting the mixed-race Latinos(Too many factors. Just as Indians from India due to the pillaging and [censored] by a European ethnicity, who faced Germans instead of the Spanish). And BGS itself is an American studio. So is Obsidian. Interplay as a publisher is aswell. So was the now defunct Black Isle. And so is InExile(Brian Fargo's recent venture. Interplay's just a seedy company attempting to gather cash at this point) And while we are at it one more: Fallout itself aswell. Not that it's restricted to any nationality of player.

That said I get your point, you want your DLC bad. Tough luck, again it's down to distributers such as MS., Sony, and Valve. And it's down to different people to update region-wise. I don't know why the U.S. Steam received it first but then again it's possible they update at that time regularly just as today morning is always when Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace always gets updated with new On Demand games, Add-Ons, Demos, etc.

And yes I do have OWB downloaded from Steam. Stopped playing though. I'm not prone to letting entertainment take my night's sleep away. Sorry your not able to download though.

However that doesn't excuse you.
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Andrea P
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:04 am

Why does steam svck? Just because the game is not released in your region yet because its not time to be its steams fault because they wont let you buy a US version that is already on the market?

It's just one reason. I can order disc versions in the UK or the US or anywhere in the world but not buy a simple software-download?
With online distribution like Steam the Publishers finally get the control over distribution and prices they always dreamed of. No more imports of better or uncensored or simply cheaper versions.
You just get what they allow you to get when they allow you to get it at the price they dictate.

What's in it for the user? Steam is supposed to make things easier and faster but all it does for me is causing problems:

Edit: The Download problems you're just experiencing are another reason why I don't like Steam.

To get back on topic:

In Europe OWB is still not available on Steam.
But of course you only have to wait if you want to buy a legal copy.... :(
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:06 pm

Out of interest what time in Western Europe which I'm assuming your from does Steam update every week in the first place. I don't use it much so I don't know.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:51 pm

In the mean time I'll listen to this:
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:52 pm

It's just one reason. I can order disc versions in the UK or the US or anywhere in the world but not buy a simple software-download?
With online distribution like Steam the Publishers finally get the control over distribution and prices they always dreamed of. No more imports of better or uncensored or simply cheaper versions.
You just get what they allow you to get when they allow you to get it at the price they dictate.

What's in it for the user? Steam is supposed to make things easier and faster but all it does for me is causing problems:

Edit: The Download problems you're just experiencing are another reason why I don't like Steam.

To get back on topic:

In Europe OWB is still not available on Steam.
But of course you only have to wait if you want to buy a legal copy.... :(

I never said steam doesnt give me problems. I have problems and issues with steam but I wouldnt say steam svcks. Not saying steam is the best but I am also not saying it is the worse.

As far as the cost being cheaper else where, I doubt you can get things as cheap on steam. The other day I bought 5 games for a total of $24.95. Like wise I just got Old World Blues for $9.99 and the DLC`s for Fallout 3 the hardcopies were $9.99 just like their digital counterpart. Amazon was selling their Fallout 3 DLC for the same $9.99, so I dont really think you would get games cheaper else where. Only way you get a product cheaper is when the company offering said product is able to get it for less and they can pass the savings on to the consumer. If your in no rush to buy a game when it comes out 1 year later on steam the games go down even more.

As far as steam not making things easier and faster, I guess that depends on the person. I think steam makes it easier because I dont have all this extra anti piriate software clogging up my system for my games. Like wise I get updated on new games that I otherwise wouldnt know about. I am a very avid game player but I dont follow the game industry because I have more important things going on in life than to follow the game world daily. Steam makes it easy for me cause it does it for me and gives recomendations on what I might like based off games I own.

Now about Old World Blues not being available on Steam still in Europe, give it time after all this is just a game and your gaming experiance wont change if you get it a few hours later than you were supposed to. I dont know why all this rush to get it is going on. I mean cmon its just a game and the game play wont change if you buy it the minute it comes out or buy it the next day. Some people are just so damn impatient and then want to say steam svcks because they cant wait for steam to update their servers.

My download problem was just a simple software glitch. I restarted steam, took all of 30 seconds to shut steam down and bring it back up and its downloading now. 50% completed download, as far as this issue goes its a isolated issue. This is the first time I had this happened but a simple restart resolved it so cant say I hate steam cause of this. I guess its because I see steam as what it is, a program that has issues like any other program.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:44 am

Out of interest what time in Western Europe which I'm assuming your from does Steam update every week in the first place. I don't use it much so I don't know.
You assume right and I have no idea either. I usually avoid Steam whenever possible.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:00 am

You assume right and I have no idea either. I usually avoid Steam whenever possible.

Argh the DLC is a lie!
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 12:17 am

You assume right and I have no idea either. I usually avoid Steam whenever possible.

Same here. No money back, no guarantees (wasn't that Del Trotter?), typically more expensive than retail, no selling second-hand, this sort of malarky we're experiencing now, update problems... the list goes on. I've no problems with other people liking Steam, but it's caused enough aggravation that I wish the companies that use it to distribute their games would also provide a viable alternative.
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Post » Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:18 pm

To partially quote MLK: I had a dream, but when I have taken a look on Steam, I know it was just a dream.
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Paula Ramos
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Post » Wed Jul 20, 2011 4:37 am

As for you Eman all jokes aside those Yanks founders are European and so is a majority of the country(Meaning all of Europe is accounted for in these people's blood), counting Hispanics and not counting the mixed-race Latinos(Too many factors. Just as Indians from India due to the pillaging and [censored] by a European ethnicity, who faced Germans instead of the Spanish). And BGS itself is an American studio. So is Obsidian. Interplay as a publisher is aswell. So was the now defunct Black Isle. And so is InExile(Brian Fargo's recent venture. Interplay's just a seedy company attempting to gather cash at this point) And while we are at it one more: Fallout itself aswell. Not that it's restricted to any nationality of player.

That said I get your point, you want your DLC bad. Tough luck, again it's down to distributers such as MS., Sony, and Valve. And it's down to different people to update region-wise. I don't know why the U.S. Steam received it first but then again it's possible they update at that time regularly just as today morning is always when Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace always gets updated with new On Demand games, Add-Ons, Demos, etc.

And yes I do have OWB downloaded from Steam. Stopped playing though. I'm not prone to letting entertainment take my night's sleep away. Sorry your not able to download though.

However that doesn't excuse you.

Jeez, touchy. My comment was hardly groundless - just look at the kerfuffle when HH wasn't released on time. Doesn't greatly bother me right now as I won't have the chance to play till likely tomorrow evening at the earliest, but it's fun to chat about it whilst we wait.

Or, if you're taking offence to me using the word "yank", I've never known any of my American friends to take offence to it. Being Australian (though currently living in the UK) it's not considered a derogatory demonym - perhaps its connotations are different coming from a Brit. In any case, no offence meant.
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