I'd love for Skyrim to include a quest to own and operate a bar/tavern or a shop of some sort. You could hire workers collect gold, invest in upgrades and defend against thieves and gangs. Hell, why not include a cutthroat merchant guild that you could join (east empire company?). It would be a nice change of pace from go here kill that, collect item rinse and repeat.
Thoughts? Ideas? Vitriolic anger? Indifference?
Edit: Here's a better idea of what I mean.
"You meet an ailing shopkeeper (weapons and armor) who's son has just been killed in a dragon attack (whatever) he has no one to take over after he dies so he offers to sell the place to you for a large sum after you complete some quest (avenging his son's death or retrieving something from his son's dead body). After purchasing said armor shop, Let's call it the Yagraad's Plates and Points, you hire a shop keep (again quest required) and now instead of selling all your stuff to random merchants you stock the store with your loot (said items appear in display cases). Instead of getting 30% of the item value you receive 40% minus the shop keeps cut. You can then purchase upgrades for the store, nicer ambiance maybe a smith in the basemant to auto repair the crap you stock and now you receive 50% of the item value.
Patron's come in and out, your reputation goes up, you have to hire a guard
The drawback would be having to wait for the inventory to clear out from the shop. The rate of sales could be dependent on your mercantile skill or your fame/disposition in the town. You could possibly hire a town crier to advertise for you or if your the deviant sort you could burn down the competing businesses."
The shopkeep could get kidnapped you'd have to rescue him or her, you could lose items to theft until you make an agreement with the thieves guild.
You could also be approached by angry marauder orc types who want to sell their items to your shop. You could agree and take a cut from the sale of the questionably obtained items or you could deny their offer and have to confront them.
Ect Ect Ect.