» Thu Apr 07, 2011 7:10 pm
A way to make sure you don't make to much money? I hate to say it, but taxes. With Civil war, the would be governments are going to need a lot of gold, so I would assume they should be taxing the life out of people.
I'd like it. It shouldn't run away on you though. Dragonborn Swords has a ring to it, but potential customers shouldn't just come in because you have a sword shop. People who one would assume could by a sword should come and buy. The begger should't be buying that dedera dagger, while that noble shouldn't be amazed at the quallity your rusty iron daggers posses. Set prices should be realistic, you shouldn't be able to undercut every other shop out there with ease. They should try to undercut you however. If you drive another store out of business, they should try and get back at you. Vandalism, theft, and if that doesn't deture you and theyre willing to get shadey, assassins could come after you.
If your good enough at making stuff, the millitary could aproch your shop, with a realisticly huge order. The army doesn't need 5 steel swords and 5 steal shields. They'd need a good hundred, and you've be hard pressed to try and make that contract if you accept.
Big enough that it actually feels like you own and run the store, but not so big that you forget that you're the dragonborn. Big enough it feels real, but not so big it ties you down.