@D4rk 0ne > No problem! Really thanking you, this is a great thread.
If you need any more pics, I have around 70 I've taken and edited quite clearly myself. But now, a few more things with these extra pics...
#17 - This dual was awesome! I love the animations... clearly a huge upgrade. At first I thought it must of been a finishing move, but it seems like a sweet combo move of sorts... maybe a power move or perk with the weapon type/ability. The fort or barricade is a cool touch as well... maybe even simply a bandit outpost. In any case, really cool... and looks really nice in the landscape.
#18 - The animations as the spell is cast here are awesome as well. As is the design of the dungeon... though, from what I've seen, they all look very unique indeed! But my favorite thing I noticed... is the amount of enemies attacking/on the screen at once. Oblivion almost seemed too tame in that sense, lacking a real sense of overwhelming danger for me that groups portray. But seeing all of these undead here... I might even avoid them all together without the proper gear! Which would actually a welcome change, in my opinion.
#19 - Seems like 3 wraiths, which look wonderful. Though, the rock does look a bit odd... that's kind of a hard thing to avoid
everywhere though, with the ground texture... so pretty understandable here.
#20 - Wasn't all the complaining about the animations being really similar to Oblivion's wolves, or something? If so, I definitely don't agree... the wolf's legs and arms move really smoothly and when it makes it's turn, there isn't any jerking or warping. As for variety, just seeing the two different types of deer-like creatures in the other screens gives me hope.