I love the sound of the Wolf AI. But if they meant Acro. when they said Agility that kinda svcks cause I love Acro.
Some of the people posting on dragon shouts may want to read http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2011/01/20/skyrim-s-dragon-shouts.aspx, if you haven't already... I think it would help break some of the confusion....
Upon defeating a dragon, Skyrim’s hero absorbs the soul of the fallen creature, which fuels his ability to learn a new shout. Later, players can search out long lost walls covered in dragon script. Upon these walls, individual runes stand out to the hero because he or she is dragonborn. “There are these words of power, and if you learn how to say them right, they have a powerful effect,” Howard says.
Over time, players will build a vast arsenal of shouts: over 20 complete shouts in all, each with multiple words that must be gathered from different places around the world. “There are three words for each shout, and there are three levels to them. The amount of time you hold down the shout button is how many words come out.
That's not very 'it could mean a few different things', its seems pretty clear...
Skyrims hero absorbs the soul of the fallen creature, which fuels his ability to learn a new shout, kill dragon = be able to learn a new additional shout....
Players can search out walls with dragon script & if you can learn to say them right, they have a powerful effect, find wall + learn words = new shout....
Just my opinion of course....
The ideas are interesting though...... :thumbsup: ......... :mage: