Ok..i have read through the OXM magazine.
I will offer my take on the info.
Some which as been covered already and some which may not have been.
Some things i'm not 100% sure about,because of how it's written etc.
So i have given my take on what i think it means. If you disagree with my take on things feel free to do so.
Add what you may think it means if you feel so inclined

Here goes.
First map size: ok we know it's about the same size of oblivion,and we know there are five major cities.
Obviously there are smaller towns/settlements etc.
"This is my opinion,and is for those that aren't to happy that the game is a similar size to oblivion"
Anyway it show's a map of skyrim,which looks like an older one.
But what i noticed or thought i noticed,is that the cities,larger one's etc,seem more scattered ( more space between them ),than they were in oblivion (cyrodiil).
Alot of them ( from the map i see ) seem to be near the edge of the map,but not all.
Anyway my point is, i think with the world design,mountains,and (what i see as) bigger spaces between cites,will make the land of skyrim feel a hell of alot bigger.
Agree/or disagree.
Dragon shout's: Some may know this,some may not.
We are not the only one's who can use dragon shouts.
It says " if we think we are the only one's that can put magic into words ( dragon shouts )...then think again.
It also indicates,that just because you get these shouts,it doesn't make things easy.
Now to me it's obvious,hat dragons have them (duh....good guess

),the way it's written ( at least to me ) implies,that maybe not only dragons and the PC can use them.
That could mean other human/or other races, enemies,could use them....like i said thats my opinion,from what was written,but it's to obvious for it to be just dragons.
Think what you will on this.
Also we know about the slow time shout,and we know the longer we hold that button,the more time etc.
But it says "A tap of the RB button,slows time for 8 seconds ( i don't think anyone mentioned how many seconds,so i did )...
A tap indicates one word of the shout.
You can't just use shouts willy nilly ,they have a cool down period ( which we know ),but it also says each shout has a different cooldown period. ( don't think that was mentioned in here ).
Ok a little about perks.
Now from how i read it,i get the impression that some finishing moves are gained via perks,here's what it says.
"Each skill type as it's own constellation,and each star corresponds to a particular perk".
"These might be damage boosts,for certain weapons,magic abilities,non-combat abilities or kill moves"
Again judge from that what you will.
It says,in one of the finishing moves...you plundge a sabre through your foe's chest. ( sounds awesome and brutal ) :thumbsup:
Refering to fallout perks,it says.Perks in skyrim are smaller,but more practical upgrade wise.
Also...if your friends core level is the same as yours (similar skills),it says,these perks in the game differentiate you both.
They said their demonstration began high in the mountains,and started out across a vista,with mist between the peaks and vegetation at their feet.
They say it looked "Breathtaking".

There was also a bit about dragons.
They said if you make one angry,it will swoop down,circle you,and every so often crash to the ground,tearing a furrow in the ground ( like a tractor does,when plowing a field ).
Exellent,love little details like that :thumbsup:
The point of me mentioning this bit, ( besides plowing through the ground ) was because it says "if you make them angry".
I dont' know what to make of this really...it could mean ( just guessing here ) that they may not just attack on sight,sometimes,or it could mean as in they haven't spotted you yet.
Who knows?
From what they saw,the mag said they are expecting "something very special from the factions system".
"Which the team ( bethesda ) seemed to be itching to talk about"...but did'nt :sadvaultboy: ...thats for later.
They said the team/staff. It was hard to contain excitment for the game.....this bodes well,they seem proud of what they are doing with it

Don't think this as been highlighted either.
They asked about the live conversation in the game....like: does it run the risk of information overload.
Tod answered honestly and said,yes,there are times when it's a problem.
Brush nesmith said though,next time you see it,it won't be a problem.
Lastly...just to add what was said about the wolves AI.Where they defend their food ( not attack ) or sometimes do attack on sight.
Tod said it was fairly easy to setup

Sounds good,to me this indicates we will see more of this type of behaviour ( allright! )
Anyway discuss what you will or not all.
Just thought i'd put it out there,from my view