I favor the Greybeards, atleast they respect me. Atleast more than the Blades do, the blades just see you as a tool. Baurus, Jauffre and Caius are all probably rolling in their graves, seeing how these new blades treat the Dragonborn. Plus Paarthunax is cool to talk to.
Why you have every reason not to like the Greybeards? They make you powerful, so powerful you can call down lightning from the sky, you can turn ethereal, you can slow down time, you can disarm enemies and so much more. Trust me Miraak had no idea what he was getting himself into, when he decided to attack the Dragonborn.
The blades can rot in hell for all I care. Paarthunax is awesome and very wise while the blades are just simple minded brutes who need a decapitation.
Lore wise, they pretty much can disintegrate a person by just whispering. They remind me of a certain Marvel comics character. I forgot his name, but his voice is so strong he can destroy cities by just whispering. The Greybeards lorewise are like him.
Yes, you were right. It's getting late now, I'm very sleepy. Must... close... eyes... (Passes out on keyboard)
The debate come in when someone says that Paarthurnax may not have truly changed his ways. He may be evil, he may be good.
Kill him. He must pay for his treachery to Alduin, his brother!
Tahrodiis Paarthurnax, hin hruus ahst Alduin's jot!
Exactly! I guess those that like him would happily betray and murder their own family for fame and power too...
Its very sad, because I really enjoyed being a member of the Blades in Morrowind and Oblivion, but I too sided with the Greybeards. Delphine and Esbern are pathetic.
^^This^^ Argneir warns you about the Blades early on,, it would be wise to listen.
^^And this^^
^^And very much this although I haven't played Morrowind. The Oblivion Blades were way cool.^^
EDit: Also have you noticed that the dragons treat you as an equal while to others you are treated as an outsider except for Balgruuf and your followers. This is one reason I can't take the Stormcloak side even though I tried. Balgruuf is just too cool of a jarl.
My DovAhKiin characters feel more at home with the dragons than they do with humans and Mer.
That's Black Bolt, of the Inhumans.
My Dragonborn character definitely favors the Greybeards over the Blades on this subject.
And that's the way it is forever going to be for them. No more will I bring recruits, they can rot in their temple. Only reason I can even think of visiting is to grab the sword and armor, outside of that they will get the bird from me.
Oh I love the way you put it!
Paarthunax is cool and he was the first one in this game that I felt deep in heart "I don't want to kill him" (considering I did most of the daedric quests without hesitation). I like the characters who was not that good but willing to change, and did some good deeds. I was also moved when I finished the main quest and he said he was not happy for Alduin's death because Alduin was his brother after all. I think Paarthunax know what he is doing and he makes his own choice. I admire it a lot.
For Blades...uh, they make me so sad after I played Oblivion. Not only because Delphine and Esbern are awful, but also because how the Empire treated blades after the Great War. Maybe Delphine and Esbern just wanted to kill as many as dragons to earn back the fame of Blades, and prove they are important. But I cannot agree on killing Paarthunax. They are crazy and heading to a way of doom, for sure.
You get dragon soul, dragon bones and dragon scales, some golds, it worth it
yes, but still you got it from him, just one more is not pointless
he's just a dragon, kill him