pack map card 1

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:20 pm

I would like someone to tell me why the map pack 1 does not work when downloaded. I paid 9.99 euros and it works not ...
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:35 am

a lot of people are having problems loading it. so far ive helped abot 5 people out and they can now play.

follow these instructions:

firstly ive got to say this is a joke crytek
firstly how the hell can you release a dlc and not tell the people that are keeping you in business how to actually redeem it and then load it.especially as we have to move it from one folder to another.

ok down to business.

1. You have to buy DLC in-game.
2. It will send you to gamesas to add a credit/debit card (no paypal available)
3. After payment go to
4. Click Purchase History on top left
5. Click on next to "Crysis 2 Map Pack 1" and download 116MB file

(now the fun begins)
do not open the zip file as it will corrupt it.
you now have to find the steam folder crysis 2
im using vista and the folder is stored in:
start > click on your name at top > click on saved games > crysis 2 > dlc (this will be empty) > and drag whole zip file from your download folder into the dlc folder.
close and restart steam.
all done.

if this still does not work then pm me as i have the zip file on an external server and i can send you the link.
this last bit has worked for 5 people so far when all the above has failed.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:21 am

And this is how it is actually meant to be done and is quite honestly pretty logical, I didn't have any problems with it atleast.

1) Try to buy the dlc ingame, it will send you to gamesas store.
2) Insert your credit card info.
3) Go ingame and download the dlc, it will automatically be where it has to be and will work after you restart the game.

I don't really get why so many ppl have trouble downloading it, I guess they just don't bother to read all the text on the monitor.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:35 pm

And this is how it is actually meant to be done and is quite honestly pretty logical, I didn't have any problems with it atleast.

1) Try to buy the dlc ingame, it will send you to gamesas store.
2) Insert your credit card info.
3) Go ingame and download the dlc, it will automatically be where it has to be and will work after you restart the game.

I don't really get why so many ppl have trouble downloading it, I guess they just don't bother to read all the text on the monitor.
Because they are kids which are used to click play and everything is playing for them...
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:36 am

durrr! dont you think we tried that first.
lucky you for being so clever and working it all out yourself.

maybe we were not as lucky as you and had to find a work around as whatever we tried didnt work.
ive now helped out 3 people on here and 5 people on the steam forum that were just getting hacked off as the normal way of loading the dlc didnt work.
the above is for people in that situation.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:04 pm

firstly ive got to say this is a joke crytek
firstly how the hell can you release a dlc and not tell the people that are keeping you in business how to actually redeem it and then load it.especially as we have to move it from one folder to another.
DLC Download/Install Information
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