Playing Tetris taught
me to cram things into spaces more efficiently.

Anyway, I'll buy that 'being a trader teaches you to pack better!' rationalization as soon as I have my own brahmin for the practice.

But all this aside, let's not pretend for one moment that being a pack rat is the sole domain of the trader.
Show of hands - who keeps a little of everything that might be useful on the road?
Oh, hello there -
everyone ever.
I don't.
my (light) combat and exploration load is about 98-105 Lbs.
When I am just looking for new places, or traveling around.
R.I combat armor MK.II w/helm
Anti Material rifle with 100 rounds of hand made ammo.
Some stims.
5-8 bottles of water
Some Big horn steak.
My combat/normal load is about 168 Lbs
Above +
More stims and doctors bags/hydra.
Little more food.
Cowboy rifle with stock and custom action.
My heavy combat load is (190-205 Lbs)
Above + 60-70 Stims total
Mini gun replaces cowboy rifle, bring about 3K rounds total.50/50 normal and AP rounds.
Lots of food.
Doctors bags and hydra (at least 4)
Normally I run with my middle load out, when traveling some where I use my light, or drop the medium armor for light armor.
Only twice have I went in with my heavy load.
Super mega spoiler!!
WTF was Caesar thinking when he let me walk in his base with a invite KNOWING that I had killed and burned every follower of his I had even come across.
I guess even a dying man will attempt anything to try and find a way to live.