AI package and nav mesh issues

Post » Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:30 pm

So I have an npc who you are directed to talk to via a quest started by a letter delivered by the courier at a certain point in the game. That all works great. After talking to the npc, a scene begins where he walks to a mark outside the building, you exit and he begins to talk as he walks to another mark. He pauses and talks, then walks up the stairs and talks til he reaches another mark and after talking turns and walks in to the custom cell. No problem so far. You follow him in and he walks and talks a bit more then the scene ends, the quest ends and a new invisible quest begins, the stage of which governs his AI package behavior. So far no problem

The first issue is that he will not sandbox. The guy will not move from his spot. I thought it may have been navmesh related. I built the navmesh by hand, I optimized the boundaries, nothing is sloped over 45 degrees, the doors are linked in and the mesh finalized but he still will not mill around the cell like his default sandbox package should. I have even used a custom one and defined the variables carefully but nothing. Am I missing a navmesh finalization step?

Other problem I have is that he has a set of force greet packages which all point to one of several dialog topics within the same dialog view box. They each are conditional upon a variety if things and all fire properly if I remove the force greet and talk to him manually but he will only force greet the first topic properly. I have each greeting in blocked mode and linked to a single line of dialog after the greet, but when the next condition comes he will force greet but only say the greeting but not lock you to conversation and show the invisible continue line that should follow like he did on the first.

Basically there are 10 force greet packages that each point to one greet that is linked and blocked and each is conditional on a global variable and a different quest stage. So not sure what I'm missing about the force greet , but maybe it's tied in with the navmesh issue?
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Danger Mouse
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