» Sat May 28, 2011 12:28 am
Thanks guys - The random element was simply so that the same NPC would appear to do different things should anyone actually pay any attention to them. I know most wont, but of course I do, and you know what its like when you get an idea going on!
Anyway, I'm a little embarrassed for not seeing that this could be done with the conditions! I was looking at the package types and trying to work it out from there and I forgot that I can simply apply conditions.
Here is a question though:
If I have an item that I want the NPC to use, which is the best way to get them there, assuming that they could be pretty much anywhere (inside, outside) in the world space?
I have at the moment, an XMarker and a travel package that takes no time.
1) So I have my sleep package at the top, with times and a bed assignment.
2) I have a Travel package next for the NPC to provide a service (this is set so that he is sitting in a chair at a desk),
3) Then I have an XMarker placed beside some training apparatus. A Travel package, with no time set but "Must reach location" ticked gets him to that XMarker
4) Then a Use Item At package makes him use the training apparatus for a specific period of time.
Is this the best way to do this, or is there a specific method that is preferred? Indeed, is is possible to define an NPC's actions literally hour by hour in this way? (I have no intention of doing so, Id just like to know how far I can push this).
I'm also wondering about timing. For example, if the NPC is some distance from an item, and a Travel package sends him to it without the time set, when he gets there, the time for the next package, the Use Item At package, has actually started already. Will the NPC just start using the item until the end of the Use Item At time before processing the next package?
I ask because it seems that sometimes the NPC will reach the item to be used, and then just stand there, almost as if to say "I wasn't here when I was meant to be, so I cant start now". Whenever I see this behavior, the next package, which is usually sleep, fires as normal and the NPC goes off to bed.
Many thanks for your replies