Easiest way I can think to do this is to create a First Xmarker and stick it in the sky somewhere, I suggest in the worldspace Wasteland, and give it a First Ref Name. Then, make a second one and give it Second Ref Name, in about the same spot in the sky. You make your hybrid wait-sandbox AI package specify First Ref Name as the object to wander around. Then, when you fire the command for hybrid sandbox wait, make a moveto cause the First Xmarker Ref Name to be moved to the follower. Then when the follower is released from the command, you move First Ref Name back to Second Ref Name for safekeeping.
Hey, Tarrant, is great to see you around the forums again!
Thanks for the Xmarker-in-the-sky thing. I've read about sending X-markers around the Wasteland to use for packages, etc before but wondered where to put them when they weren't in use.
I've solved the other problem with a couple of lines of scripting. The problem was that the walking around/weapon drawn stuff wouldn't work if the waiting was set at the same time in the dialogue results script so I tried separating them by setting the waiting in a quest script and it seems to be working fine.