I have a scene set up where I want Actor1 to walk a few steps towards Actor2, then have a conversation. Ideally, I want this to occur randomly. In order to get Actor1 to 'walk a few steps', I've set up a travel package with a marker near Actor2 specifically for the scene. The problem is that the scene package does not execute, so the scene never plays. If I remove that scene package and just let Actor1 use his default AI package, and set the package as sandbox in the area, the scene will play perfectly fine. So the problem is with the scene package. Now, you are probably thinking...."why don't you just have the NPCs sandbox near each other?" The reason is that even though I want Actor1 and Actor2 to be in the same area, I do -not- want Actor1 to be near Actor2, unless he is going to execute that scene (so originally, Actor1's AI package basically makes him stay put in a spot some distance away from Actor2). Hence the additional use of the scene package to take Actor1 to a spot near Actor2.
Maybe I am mistaken, but I was under the impression that scene packages take priority over the NPC's default AI package stack? So I don't quite understand why it 'won't work.' I gather that perhaps I need to set up specific conditions for the scene package in order to initiate it. But I am sort of lacking sleep and is drawing a complete blank. Ideally, I want the conversation scene to be random (like most of the conversation scenes in the game), and maybe occur once a day or something. Any suggestions and ideas? Thanks.