Alright, so here's my problem. I've been working on a large city within Ethas for the past few weeks, and after having started populating it, I'm noticing a recurring problem among its citizens. I have them set up to spawn in their respective interiors, but for whatever reason, most of them won't leave those interiors until I go in them myself. Notice I said most - this is only happening to some NPC's, seemingly at random.
For example, I have five NPC's that have packages that tell them to go work at their respective market stalls in the lower class district of the city. However, if I walk to the marketplace without ever having been there before, they are missing. But if I enter their respective interiors and return to the marketplace, they have suddenly appeared there.
Here's what I've tried:
- COC'ing in from the main menu into the city
- Using an existing save and traveling (via both fast travel and walking) to the city
- Waiting for up to a few days
- Waiting for a few minutes to see if they'll appear, but they do not
Is this simply a limitation on how AI packages are processed? Is there something I'm doing wrong?