I have just found that my CK is packaging a whole bunch of unneeded files into the BSA it makes. It isn't doing it for all mods, luckily my town mod is fine. But I am trying to pack up a tavern mod and unpacked the BSA the CK made to add the facegen files and noticed a whole bunch of files belonging to my other mods.
I tested this over and over and it is the CK doing it. It lists the correct list of files to be packed, in the case of one particular mod a mere 20 files, then as it is packing them I can see it is adding a whole bunch of meshes, scripts, sounds, textures from some of my other mods. In the end it packed 436 meshes including meshes from my completely separate Breezehome mod. Thank god I caught it! I checked everything in TES5Edit and there is no way those meshes are part of that mod.
I tested it on other mods and same thing, even mods that I packed on my old computer. So it can't just be the CK on my new computer bugging out.
Has anyone else come across this?
Is there any program like TES4Files available for Skyrim? It would be a torturous task to hand pull and pack every mesh, texture etc.
I usually make an Archive with the CK, then open that and add any facegen/voice files adn package that up with the Archive.exe.