As title and description say, my idea is:
- Encumbrance increase slightly with strength (2.5 points x strength)
- Encumbrance mainly increase with backpacks and pockets
Don't stop read here thinking "this is like the 58 other backpacks mod".
In this long description, I will talk about backpacks and pockets as "containers", but my idea is to use them as "encumbrance enhancer" items:
They won't add a separated inventory where you put your items, like other containers.
They will stay in your inventory (a backpack is also an item, so it must show in your inventory) so you can see/drop/sell them, but their presence is purely symbolic.
By simply staying in your inventory, they increase your maximum encumbrance, thus giving you the sensation that you have more space in your inventory (not so far from truth).
In other words: if you pick a backpack, it will simply increase your encumbrance (Or gives you more carry capacity). Nothing else, no additional containers. By picking another one your encumbrance further increase. By dropping/selling them, you simply lost the encumbrance bonus they gave you (You have no more that extra carry capacity).
Backpacks increase your encumbrance by 100 points.
You can find backpacks among merchants, citizens, bandits and travelers.
A backpack is a standalone "container" and can be upgraded by attaching pockets. Up to 5 pockets can be attached to a backpack.
When you find a backpack, you only have to pick it. Your encumbrance will automatically increase.
The number of backpack you can benefit from depends on your strength. Every 20 strength will allows you to benefit from 1 backpack. The first backpack is always allowed, even if your strength is less than 20 (by drain/damage).
If you reach the limit and pick another backpack, it will be ineffective.
(EXAMPLE: You have 50 strength and 2 backpacks. If you pick a third one, it will be ineffective until your strength reach 60.)
Pockets increase your encumbrance by 20 points.
You can find pockets among merchants and in containers/barrels/crates.
You can't benefit from a pocket directly, because a pocket isn't a standalone container.
In order to receive it's benefits, it must be attached to a backpack.
When you attach a pocket, it will merge with the backpack (so you can't remove it anymore), and the backpack get upgraded.
(EXAMPLE: "Backpack" upgrade to "Backpack+1", then to "Backpack+2", etc...; the +n indicate the number of pockets in that backpack)
How to attach a pocket:
- You need a pocket (is implied :deal: )
- You need a backpack with less than 5 pockets (Do you remember the pockets limit? look at "BACKPACK" section above)
- You need a unit of "Yarn" (to sew the pocket)
If you have all the requirements, then all you have to do is activate the pocket in your inventory.
The game will attach the pocket to an available backpack. Higher priority is given to backpacks with more pockets, near to be completed. A unit of yarn get used in the work.
There are 6 backpack: the base one + the 5 upgrades. The numbers indicate the number of pockets (1 pockets = 20 more encumbrance):
- Backpack = 100 points Very common. Merchants always have one or two. Very common among citizens and travelers.
- Backpack+1 = 120 points Common. Often merchant, citizens or travelers have one.
- Backpack+2 = 140 points Not common. Sometimes merchant or travelers have one.
- Backpack+3 = 160 points Rare. Only guild merchants and travelers can rarely have one.
- Backpack+4 = 180 points N/A. Only obtainable by upgrade.
- Backpack+5 = 200 points N/A. Only obtainable by upgrade.
Since strength barely increase your encumbrance (2 x strength), when you start a new game you should have 2.5x ~40 = ~100 encumbrance points (how much you can carry without a backpack?).
To remove this disadvantage, at the beginning, when the emperor leaves you alone and the wall break, you will find a Backpack in the loot of the dead skeleton (So ~100 Base + 100 Backpack = ~200).
While you start the game with about the same encumbrance, this system will allows you to reach higher encumbrance than before.
Backpacks and pockets are inventory items:
- When you find/buy a backpack or a pocket, it is added to your inventory.
- They are not quest items. You can drop/sell them.
- REMEMBER: these items aren't real containers. They only increase your encumbrance, giving you the sensation that you have more space for your items.
- Their effect is cumulative but not permanent. If you drop/sell a backpack, it's benefits will cease.
- When you get arrested, they get confiscated/returned like all other inventory items.
Everytime you will find/buy a backpack, the next one will be more rare/expensive.
(EXAMPLE You will pay 500 to buy the first backpack, 700 for a second one, 1000 for a third one ...)
Pockets will cost much less than a backpack, and their cost will increase less.
Other mods add backpacks as real containers, separated from the normal inventory.
I don't agree with this concept:
- If you need an item you have to manually cycle through all your backpacks, because there isn't a "Search" function.
- Surely a backpack can contain more items than your underpants (About the underpants, do you ever ask yourself: "When he/she is naked, where did he/she put those 6 weapons, 4 armors, 68 rings, 122 torches and all the other items?"), but the backpacks from these mods can contain an unlimited amount of items :shocking: :sweat: :blink:. I don't think this is possible (assume these backpack aren't like Eega Beeva trousers...).
- Usually, you have to do complex procedures to open your backpack(s):
- drop it on the ground like garbage, open it as a container, then activate it in sneak mode to put it back in the inventory, then run from the guards because they think you stole from your backpack.
- cast a spell and it will summon near you. Note: if you've been silenced you cannot summon your backpack!
- tap key T while keep pressing key M, while looking at a dancing guard at midnight :hehe:
- kill and revive 3 times the adoring fan... :hehe: :hehe: :hehe:
My idea is keep the game simple and solve all the above problems:
- all your the items are shown in a single inventory (Otherwise, why it's called "inventory"? The inventory must show ALL your items. Search what "inventory" means, before answering the question), so whatever you need, is there, sorted by name, value, damage etc...
- the more backpack (and pockets) you have, the more you can carry, but a backpack cannot contain the whole world. Every backpack gives you a LIMITED amount of space, you can have a LIMITED amount of backpacks (Strength limit: look at "BACKPACK" section), and every backpacks has a LIMITED amount of pockets.
- there're no complex procedures to access the backpacks, because you don't have to: items are not stored in a separated place, everything you have is in your inventory (I hope you know how to open your inventory. Not so difficult, right?).
I hope you agree with my point of view.
This is and IDEA for a mod.
In real life, we can't bring with us tons of items without a backpack/bag.
No matter if you go 5 hours per day to the gym: it's not a problem of strength.
It's a problem of "Where you put all those items?".
Normally you can't carry more than 2-3 weapons, a quiver with 20-30 arrows, a full armor and 2-3 little items.
This is why strength become secondary (but not useless), while backpacks become essential.
My question is: There's somebody able and disposable to realize this idea? Thanks in advance