Weird, I always thought it was 'pageants'.
I can see pageants working in that sense, to save your kid money for school. I'd only do it if my daughter wanted to, though, and I'd make sure she didn't go her whole life thinking she'll get paid for her looks.
But meh, it's not all that surprising for girls to play games anymore. Games are reaching a wider audience every day. But the world goes through different periods. First you had girls bragging about playing football and trying to get on the team, then you had girls bragging about skateboarding or surfing, then girls playing guitar, and now it's games.
I probably misspelled it, meh.

MY HYPOCRISY ONLY GOES SO FAR. Cookie to anyone who gets that reference.
It annoys me to no end when the apostrophe is misused. This time I couldn't keep silent.
Perhaps if more scholarships were given in regards to academics than beauty contests then ......ah [censored] it, pigs would fly.
To be fair, we should have male "brawny" pageants. Where they are pretty much subjegated to a role of being valued simply for their looks.
We could have them doing car repairs, mowing lawns, feeding billy goats by bridges, shirtless and in courdory surf shorts.
. That's why I love competing in pageant's that let the over weight, and actuall inteligent girls win.
Yes, those poor second class citizens, throw them a bone, only the beautiful can truly merit achievement.
Send them back to their caves, and underbridge hideouts!!