Some hours ago I sent a personal message on this forum to Arthmoor thanking him for not making the Unofficial Patches paid exclusive, which I know he had said he wouldn't, but I still wanted to. As far as I know as of writing this he still hasn't read that message, but I recently discovered this posting by him.
Which has sparked this thread by me. First of all, if Arthmoor sees this I hope that my pm is not being misinterpreted by you and will be accepted in the spirit with which it was given. Namely warm and benign.
Now on to my actions and those of which I believe to be the majority. You, and perhaps others, seem to believe that the vast majority of those opposed to this were hatred spewing trolls. I respectfully disagree. You see, during this whole debacle, my actions were thus. I signed the petition opposing it, and I boycotted the Steam Workshop by not buying any mods from it or putting any of my own mods on it, which was easy since I wasn't using the workshop anyway beforehand. I heaped no abuse upon either Valve, Bethesda, or the mod makers.
I say this, not to deflect blame from myself personally, but rather to make a point. I believe the majority, like myself, went no further than this. Simply not buying the mods and perhaps signing the petition. I believe the majority were like myself for most of this, silent. While our silence may have been prudent it does have a pitfall. By not drawing attention to ourselves we allowed you, and others like you, to come under the perception that the loud, abusive few were the majority, when nothing could be further from the truth. Most of us just sat by the sidelines, watching events and wondering how it was going to turn out. I know that is what I was doing.
I hope you, and others in your position, believe me when I say that the vast majority of us do not, and never did, express any malice towards you, or others in your position. Do not mistake the noisy few for the silent majority.
I am making this a thread so that others besides Arthmoor will see this since I fear he may not be alone in his view, though I also intend to send it as another pm to him.
God bless.