Well, I wouldn't say that 2000+ downloads is "lukewarm"! From what I've seen (I'm letting myself discover these naturally [and hadn't found the bosses!]) I'm loving what I'm seeing.
Only one boss there, and that one for an added shield (though very lore-friendly

Maybe I'm weird but I have Forgotten Shields and not Art of War in my game at the moment. More people seem to create weapon meshes than defensive equipment so I guess that downloads mirroring that isn't that big a surprise...
Even so, the number of downloads for AoWM is double than for TFS (and the number of ratings more than triple). My "frustration" origins probably from the fact that I probably poured more time into TFS than AoWM, since that was when I did all my research on bump mapping... Oh well, it is
very heart-warming to see there are people who actually loved the thing - thank you!

Same here. I tend to stick to mods that change meshes and textures rather than adding extra items to the game; to me that feels a bit like 'cheating'.
Interesting - I think I had this feeling at some point, very long ago, when I started playing modded games. AoWM was my first "shop" mod, all my previous ones (Oblivion included) adding unique items via quests (or at least some tough boss fights). Hence my desire to update AoWM likewise. Replacers are a bit of a risky business, people having generally mixed feelings about them. Some say the game should stick to its original looks (I know of people who don't use BB, for instance). However, I like my game to look better, so almost everything in it was replaced (textures, items, bodies, etc.). Moreover, I like the game to keep a sort of a visual unity, which means that, if I use my own shields in my game, then automatically I must have Oriphier's artifacts and Hedgehog's armour to go with them...
And now we get back to the replacer vs. added items dilemma: I would've tried to replace all the swords in the game, but that's a titanic job. Besides, all the artifact weapons are already done (gorgeously, I might add

) by Oriphier and Plangkye, hence my choice for AoWM to stick to unique weapons, buyable in a shop (but will later be possible to obtain via a boss fight).
Who's updating http://www.mwmythicmods.com/telesphoros.htmthese days? I suspect that if you could get TFS onto there (or a similar list) as one of the 'replacer' mods, it would get a lot more attention. I didn't download it for ages simply because I wasn't aware of its existence.
True, though I have no idea who's updating Telesphoros' List... I think both the above-mentioned mods would be worth listed there, along with Shiny Septims, which is both a - much needed

- replacer and a ressource...