Since I'm not too good at bumping my own mod threads and they tend to trail behind a bit, I decided to make one thread to encompass all, so you can post your feedback here, without the hassle of searching for the old threads... (phew, quite a long phrase!) Whenever you have a question/comment/feedback, please simply start by specifying which mod you are referring to - and all your questions shall be answered!

[b]Art of War Museum v1.0[/b][i][/i]-----------------------------------------------By: Painkiller_Rider & FriendsPlug-in Scope and Credits:------------------------------ New (underground) section to the Museum of Artifacts in Mournhold (layout by PKR);- Thirty-eight new pieces of armor as follows: - Defender of the Faith (full suit, new meshes by HedgeHog-12, texture&effects by HedgeHog-12&PKR, bonus enchantment script by PeachyKeen) - Heavy Armor, individual pieces scripted enchantments, plus a bonus ability when the all the armor pieces are equipped; - Dominatrix (full suit, Bethesda meshes, modified textures&effects by PKR, bonus enchantment script by abot) - Light Armor, un-enchantable, but benefiting of a bonus ability when the all the armor pieces are equipped; - Gold Armor (partial suit, Bethesda meshes, modified textures&effects by PKR, scripted enchantments by PeachyKeen) - Medium Armor, individual pieces scripted enchantments; - A Sun/Moon Shield combo (new meshes, texture&effects by PKR, script by PeachyKeen): 2 different shields which are being automatically swapped at sunrise and sunset. The shields have different appearance, effects and enchantments; - Six Off-Hand weapons (defined as "shields", new meshes&textures by Adonnay, effects by PKR) - Light&Medium Armor, low AR, but scripted spells to aid in defensive combat; - Six Painted shields (new meshes, texture&effects by PKR, scripted enchantments by M'Aiq&Trunksbomb) - Medium Armor, average AR, lower level enchantments; - Two special shields (Death Dealer and Gondor, new meshes, texture&effects by PKR, scripted enchantments by M'Aiq&Trunksbomb) - Heavy Armor, top-end AR and enchantments; - The Death Dealer Helmet (new mesh by Ghogiel&Necron, texture&effects by PKR, scripted enchantments by M'Aiq&Trunksbomb) - Heavy Armor, top-end AR and enchantments;- Twenty-seven new weapons (all weapons' scripted enchantments by M'Aiq&Trunksbomb), as follows: - Ten Elven blades (short and long blades, new meshes&textures by Adonnay, effects by PKR) - good Rating, average Health, very good Enchantments; - Twinkle&Icingdeath, Drizzt Do'Urden's scimitars (long blades, new meshes&textures by Adonnay, effects by PKR, gems by VagabondAngel) - very good Rating, good Health, very good Enchantments; - Death Dealer Axe (editted mesh based on Miral's DD Axe, texture and effects by PKR) - very good Rating, Health and Enchantment; - Giant Stone Maul (blunt weapon, new meshes&textures by Adonnay, effects by PKR) - high Rating and Health, very heavy; - Matching sword for the Defender of the Faith armour suit (long blade, new meshes&textures by Adonnay, effects by PKR) - very good Rating, Health and Enchantment; - Four swords based on the Tolkien lore: Glamdring, Orcrist, Glory (Boromir's Sword) and Truth (Anduril) - (new meshes&textures by Adonnay, effects by PKR, gems by VagabondAngel) - very good Rating, Health and Enchantment; - Two Viking-style swords, based on Norse Sagas (Skofnung&Tyrfing, new meshes&textures by Adonnay, effects by PKR) - very good Rating and Health; Enchantments based on their background; - Frostfang, a Celtic-style 2h sword (new meshes&textures by Adonnay, effects by PKR) - very good Rating, Health and Enchantment; - Five European mediaeval-style swords (2h and 1h, new meshes&textures by Adonnay, effects by PKR) - good Rating, Health and Enchantment;- Three Dragon Statues (made by Phijama), which can be purchased and placed in your favourite house;- Seven new NPCs with personalised Dialogue and behaviour;- One Golden Dragon Creature (original mesh&texture by Razhkul, bump mapping added by PKR)!- One hundred and thirty-three new tapestries (all meshes by Bethesda, textures by PKR, item placement script by Korana & Dracus Dragani), including the tapestries released as replacers in the Painkiller's Tapestries plug-in. - Tapestries are all based on artwork of the following artists: Chris Achilleos, Keith Anderson, Kerem Beyit, Gerald Brom, Dorian Cleavenger, Jeff Easley, Bob Eggleton, Frank Frazetta, Brian Froud, Sebastien Grenier, Stephen Hickman, John Howe, Todd Lockwood, Keith Parkinson, Luis Royo, Greg Staples, Anne Stokes, Boris Vasnetsov. - The copyright of the original art belongs to each specific artist. For more information, or purchase of art, please visit their websites.Where exactly do I get the stuff?------------------------------------ The Art of War Museum is placed under the Museum of Artifacts in Mournhold; Torasa Aram can direct you there, if you don't notice the corridor which winds down opposite the Museum's entrance door.- If you want to aquire some of the items, better bring gold - all the displayed items are well-guarded (not to mention some of them are actually fake).IMPORTANT NOTES! ------------------- VERY IMPORTANT: adding an enchantment on any item which has bump mapping will result in unwanted visual side-effects, so the enchantment value on most of them is zero, to prevent accidental enchanting;- Most of the items benefit of scripted enchantments (actually spells-abilities), which compensates for the lack of normal enchantments;- Normal Enchantments are present in only 2 situations: Golden and Domina Cuirasses - due to an engine bug, environmental/reflect mapping cannot be added to certain Biped meshes, so I used Magic Effects instead (NB: using a NoGlow mod will likely cancel the Bump Mapping in this case);- ALL weapons and armour feature Reflection and Bump maps, as well as average-poly meshes (except the ones made by Bethesda) and high-res textures, so please make sure your GPU is up to the task!- For a unitary look of the game, Painkiller's Tapestries and The Forgotten Shields - Artifacts mods (same author) are highly recommended.- Please require permission and give due credit to the above people for the use of their additions in your own mods! Failure to do so will result in aeternal damnation to the lowest plane of Oblivion! Lowest-resolution, that is...- Mod CLEANED with TESAME and MW Enchanted Editor. INSTALLATION:-----------------1. Extract the included files and sub-folders to a temporary folder of your choice.2. 'Art Of War Museum.esp' and the 'meshes', 'textures', 'icons' and 'sound' folders all go in the following location: "Install Directory\Morrowind\Data Files\";3. You will be asked if you want to overwrite a couple of times, choose 'yes' to each time or 'yes to all' to save a couple of clicks;4. With that done make sure to check the activation box for the 'Art Of War Museum.esp' file before launching the game.Special Thanks:----------------------Bethesda for the great game and background for modding, Phijama, Vagabond Angel and Hedgehog for inspiration in using the reflection/bump technique; Rabinna for the Dragons Tapestries idea and help; Dragon32 for helping with artists identification; Princess_Stomper for helping with the location details; MidgetAlien and PeachyKeen for Beta testing; and my friends from the ES Forum for never letting me down...Painkiller_Rider
Art of War Museum Screenshots:
[b]Shiny Septims v1.2[/b][i][/i]----------------------------------- By: Painkiller_Rider & VagabondAngel Credits: --------- VagabondAngel - original mesh and texture Painkiller_Rider - reflect&bump effects, gold piles meshes. ManaUser - Icon. What it does? ------------------ - Replaces for all the gold coins in the game with new meshes and textures based on the coins designed by Bethesda (Original version) and ancient Roman coins (V1.2). - Only mesh&texture replacer - no Esp file needed (except for Lucky Coin, where an Esp is provided). INSTALLATION: ------------------ 1. Extract the included files and sub-folders to a temporary folder of your choice. 2. Copy/over-write the sub-folders and files into "Morrowind Install Folder\Data Files". 3. Enjoy! UN-INSTALLATION: ------------------ 1. Locate the folder "Morrowind Install Folder\Data Files\Meshes\M". 2. Locate and delete the following files: gold_001, gold_005, gold_010, gold_025, gold_100. 3. Use Wrye Mash to update your savegame. Important Notes: ------------------ - The gold coins have reflection, bump and glow maps so they will shine and (slightly) glow in the dark, while showing nice details in close-up. - Four versions included: - "original golden", with a shiny/polished gold aspect - "dulled", with less shine. - "Trajan's Septims", based on a Sestertius coin (bronze) minted under Emperor Trajan's rule. This coin has a more battered look, with the original lettering worn out almost completely. - Septimus' Septims, based on an Aureus coin (.999 Gold!) minted under Emperor Septimus Severus (sic!). This coin has a better condition look, with the lettering and details showing up beautifully. - Use only one version (they overwrite each other)! - "Old Man's Lucky Coin" will replace the quest item obtained via the original game's quest "A Lucky Coin". This will not overwrite the other replacers (has Esp). - Please require permission and give due credit for the use of these meshes and textures in your own mods! Failure to do so will result in aeternal damnation to the lowest plane of Oblivion! Lowest-resolution, that is... - Mod cleaned with MWEE. Special Thanks: ---------------------- Bethesda for the great game and background for modding, VagabondAngel for the superb original work, Phijama for encouragements, Akallabeth for the Lucky Coin request ManaUser for the missing icon and the TES community for being with me all along... Painkiller_Rider
Shiny Septims SCREENSHOTS:
[b]The Forgotten Shields - Artifacts v1.3[/b][i][/i]----------------------------------------By: Painkiller_RiderWhat it does?------------------- Replaces/modifies the meshes, textures and enchantments for 10 of the artifact/unique/rare shields: - [src=""]Auriel's Shield[/url] (Morrowind: location un-changed, added enchantment based on the Daggerfall shield) - [src=""]Azura's Servant[/url] (Morrowind: location un-changed, slightly altered stats and added a scripted ability) - [src=""]Blood Feast Shield[/url] (Morrowind: location un-changed, slightly altered stats and added a scripted ability, name fixed) - [src=""]Dark Sun Shield[/url] (Morrowind: location, stats and enchantment un-changed) - [src=""]Durgoc's Shield[/url] (Tribunal: location un-changed, altered stats and added a scripted ability, name fixed) - [src=""]Eleidon's Ward[/url] (Morrowind: location, stats and enchantment un-changed) - [src=""]Saint's Shield[/url] (Morrowind&Bloodmoon: location un-changed, added a scripted ability) - [src=""]Shadow Shield[/url] (Morrowind, Main Quest: location un-changed, slightly altered stats and added a scripted ability) - [src=""]Spell Breaker[/url] (Morrowind: location, stats and enchantment un-changed) - [src=""]Ward of Akavir[/url] (Morrowind, Siege at Firemoth official plug-in: location and stats un-changed, enchantment modified)- Adds 3 new shields (including original meshes, textures and enchanments), based on Elder Scrolls lore: - [src=""]Fearstruck[/url] (Daedric Shrine Ularradallaku, Red Mountain area: find a door to a cave inhabited by a very special creature) - [src=""]Shield of the Snow Prince[/url] (Solstheim, Snow Prince's Burrial Cave) - [src=""]Veloth's Shield[/url] (Veloth Ancestral Tomb, new beastie added)- Adds 1 bonus dagger, as a preview for an upcoming weaponry plug-in, featuring the same technique used on the shields. - ALL shields feature Reflection and Bump maps, as well as original meshes (except Spell Breaker) and high-res textures, so please make sure your GPU is up to the task!- The oval-looking shields are actually round in-game - it is just an issue with the screenshots...UPDATE v1.3:----------------- New shields added: Azura's Servant, Blood Feast Shield, Durgoc's Shield, Saint's Shield, Shield of the Snow Prince, Veloth's Shield.- Meshes and reflection maps updated for ALL the shields existing in the previous versions.Where exactly do I get the stuff?------------------------------------ The locations/NPCs for most of the shields are the same as in the original game. For more details concerning items' locations, availablity, stats, etc., please see [src=""]UESP Wiki[/url]- Ward of Akavir is part of Bethesda's official plug-in "Siege at Firemoth", so you will need the aforementioned plug-in to get the shield.IMPORTANT NOTES! ------------------- There are 2 versions (2 Esp files) of the mod (please install accordingly): 1. for the vanilla-style enchantment shader, using the stock enchantments (except for Auriel's Shield, which now boasts an enchantment based on the Daggerfall version, but balanced for Morrowind): TheForgottenShields - Artifacts_VN.esp2. for people using NOGLOW mods (which are removing the vanilla enchantment shader), using scripted enchantments, as close as possible to the original, when possible; when not, based on the Oblivion version, as in Spell Breaker's situation, or my own version (used in my Oblivion version of the Forgotten Shields mod), for Eleidon's Ward and Fearstruck: TheForgottenShields - Artifacts_NG.esp- VERY IMPORTANT: adding an enchantment on any shield from the NOGLOW version will cancel the reflection/bump map effect (besides being a cheat, by adding enchantments 2 times on a single item), so please leave them un-enchanted!INSTALLATION:-----------------Place the following items in the listed locations as below:'TheForgottenShields - Artifacts_VN.esp' and the 'meshes', 'textures' and 'sound' folders all go in the following location: "Install Directory\Morrowind\Data Files\", if you do NOT use a NoGlow mod. 'TheForgottenShields - Artifacts_NG.esp' and the 'meshes', 'textures' and 'sound' folders all go in the following location: "Install Directory\Morrowind\Data Files\", if you use a NoGlow mod. You will be asked if you want to overwrite a couple of times, choose 'yes' to each time or 'yes to all' to save a couple of clicks.With that done make sure to check the activation box for the 'theforgottenshields.esp' file before launching the game.CREDITS:-----------Razhkul - Wyrm of Akavir is based on his Reign of Fire mod (meshes, animation, textures, sound)M'Aiq&Trunksbomb - script templateAdonnay - bonus dagger original mesh&textureMyself - for everything else (shields' meshes&textures -except for Spell Breaker-, etc.)Please require permission and give due credit to the above people for the use of their additions in your own mods! Failure to do so will result in aeternal damnation to the lowest plane of Oblivion! Lowest-resolution, that is...Mod CLEANED with TESAME and MW Enchanted Editor. Please report any issues on the TES official forum - after all, this is my first Morrowind add-on...Special Thanks:----------------------Bethesda for the great game and background for modding, Phijama, Vagabond Angel and Hedgehog for inspiration in using the partial reflection/bump technique; Comrade Ogilvy and Karpik777 for request and support of the "Ward of Akavir" update; VaporTrail for suggestions on location of one of the shields; and the TES community for never letting me down...Painkiller_Rider
The Forgotten Shields - Artifacts SCREENSHOTS:
[b]Painkiller's Tapestries [/b][i][/i]------------------------------ By: Painkiller_Rider What it does? ------------------ - Replaces the texture for all the 41 tapestries in the game (including Bloodmoon), with textures based on art from Frank Frazetta Link , Gerald Brom Link , Clyde Caldwell Link and Brian Froud Link (for Birthsigns and Common), along with a number of re-editted original textures (for the 9 Divines). - All textures are Hi-Res (512x1024) - Only texture replacer - no Esp file needed. [b]NOTE[/b]: Most of the present mod's tapestries have been included in Art Of War Museum as stand-alone, in-game placeable items, rather than replacers, so you may consider that option too. INSTALLATION: ----------------- 1. Extract the included files and sub-folders in a temporary folder of your choice. 2. Copy/over-write the files from the PainTapestries sub-folder into "Morrowind Install Folder\Data Files\Textures". 3. Enjoy! UN-INSTALLATION: ------------------- 1. Find the files in "Morrowind Install Folder\Data Files\Textures" (by comparing with the ones in "PainTapestries") and delete. No other actions needed. Important Notes: ------------------- - The selection I made is based on my own subjective artistical taste. Feel free to rename the files ( to and so change the tapestries' appearance in your game, according to your own taste. I recommend using the Nvidia Texture Viewer Link for convenience. - All art is trademark of the respective artists. This plug-in is freely distributed and the art is highly editted, but its distribution in regard of obtaining a profit is illegal! - Please require permission and give due credit for the use of these textures in your own mods! Failure to do so will result in aeternal damnation to the lowest plane of Oblivion! Special Thanks: ---------------------- Bethesda for the great game and background for modding, Phijama, Connary and Adonnay for encouragements and the TES community for being with me all along... Painkiller_Rider
SCREENSHOTS Painkiller's Tapestries:
That's it... Enjoy!