*has to smile* So I'm far from alone in not wanting to kill giants, good to know!
And of course I had to follow the picturesque pair on their way to the giants' camp, too. Heh, sure: "Help? No, thanks, got it all under control." Then why did I have to save you from two sabre cats, three wolves, a highwayman and a skeever on your journey? :huh: Nord pride, probably. :hehe:
But after the long journey from the road near Gjukar's Monument, where I met them, back to the giants' camp near Whiterun, the whole thing ended sadly, like in your case, Luagar2.
Three mammoths and two giants fell upon the poor farmer. Not sure whether that was a bug - from the farmer's dialogue, this endeavour was a tradition he apparently was not following for the very first time. I mean, he even said something in the vein of "A superstition? Maybe, but I never had my livestock stolen by a giant!"
(I even tried to defuse the situation, but the most powerful
Calm spells failed against the giants and the mammoths. And setting their
Aggression to 0 did not help, either. If I knew how to add the farmer to the giant faction, I would try that, too, but I don't ...)
Well, in the end I stood there, the painted cow standing next to me, http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y65/Hand_of_Sotha/The%20Attic/AQuestioningLook.jpg, and I was
that close to adopting it.
*wry smile*Hand of Sotha