Paladin Danse PA Bug

Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 7:40 pm

Just found this bug decided to report it. if there is already a post for this plz link it I would like to read it.

I had old P?ower Armor (PA) that was broken and as I repaired it, it got its weight back so I let Danse hold onto it for me. I then noticed he could equip it. I tried even tho it was lower armor I was amused so I took it off. Then realizing it also took off Danse' armor aswell just leaving the bottom PA skeleton. Finding it amusing I tested it some more. Having him equip PA then removing it, it leaving his PA skeleton with no armor. Now I'm wondering because I do not know how to show his armor. I tried putting BoS armor back on and removing but it leaves the skeleton still.

?So does he not have his armor anymore? or is gone but still has the stats of original armor? Is it possible to get his armor back the way it was?

I even had a moment where he had 0 items in his inventory but the game was still reading I had old PA in his inventory and he could not carry any more.

its not game breaking but it kind of ruins the companion until I have better armor than BoS PA to give him.

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