
Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:11 pm

So I hear talk of people playing paladins. I tried looking at the build blog but it didn't give me any great ideas.

How would one go about this? I know a Paladin would search out evil and destroy it, stay away from daedra/vampires/werewolves, restoration plays a big part too. I know Dawnguard would probably be a good start as well.

I searched the forums but didn't find anything too helpful.

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Erin S
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:15 pm

well, the Crusader Class from previous elder scrolls games are basically paladins in all but name.

Heavy armor,

Blunt or Blade,

one or two-handed,

depending on race, maybe a bow or crossbow



Maybe Destruction, mostly/only fire spells as it was a Major skill for Crusaders in Elder scrolls lore.

A Paladin-like character would still help out those Daedric princes who are not wholly evil, like Meridia and Azura.

Dawnguard, obviously

Always try and help those in need.

stay neutral in the Civil war, IMO, a true paladin would not help either side.

Also, DEpending on how you want to play a Paladin, RP that you worship a Member of te Nine divines............and maybe use the "Favored weapon" system from D&D if it sounds interesting to you, i have a list of what the most likely favored weapon for each Aedra (And Daedra) in the cheats/hints section:

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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:02 pm

My war priest resembled a paladin quite a bit.

Heavy armor
1H (maces only as they look like the holiest of weapons)
Restoration (all healing and turn undead spells)
Alteration ( just for magic resistance )

I got my health up to around 250 then put the rest into magika. Wearing a full set of ebony armor with an adept hood for extra magika. This was a pretty basic build but a lot of fun. I should also add that I used conjuration but only to get the banish daedra spell. And I would never actually use conjuration. I would level it by paying for training. The resto spells you get in Dawnguard really come in handy too.
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:56 pm

PKMN12, that makes sense with only fire spells, because fire can be "cleansing" if you want to put it that way.


Its strange that a Paladin would use a mace...because its more of a bludgeoning thing. A sword would be a quick, clean death (sometimes) Well. Unless you hit your enemy in the head. XD

What other guilds would be good? (Or maybe none?) I'm thinking possibly Mage's College.

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Dan Scott
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:10 pm

Lightning could also work, kind of, since "gods wrath" in video games tends to be lightning of some sort. You are right though, I tend to only use Fire spells.

a mace is because SUPPOSEDLY, IRL, around the middle ages, preists were not allowed to "draw blood" of another person, even in self defence. They used maces to get around this, becuase it was much harder to kill with (you could smash their leg and make them unable to fight while still not killing them) while still being a very good weapon overall. Also, the whole "easier to incapacitate without killing" thing was something a Paladin might want to use.

hm, I would say companions either up until the werewolf thing, or if you are on PC, use the Companion guild mod that makes it about 100x better and allows you to say no to the beast blood.

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Latisha Fry
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:14 pm

I'm on XBOX 360, so no mods.

That makes sense about the mace, but a quick kill to me is more merciful then maiming someone and causing excruciating pain. I think I'll stick with a sword, but I'll keep that in mind.

It may work with the companions though. I can just stick to doing regular quests for them without accepting the beast blood. (Woudn't accept any quests that involve the fist fights, just clearing out animals from homes, saving people from bandits, etc.)

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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:16 pm

For Roleplay pick a Divine and do Quests that fit into the "Sphere" of the God Your character follows. I tend to use Kyne/Kynareth, Mara, Zenithar and Talos.

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Saul C
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:52 pm

I'll be honest: the priests would be the first history-proven hypocrites. Why? Simple: have you ever tried to break a bone with a blunt weapon like a hammer? If so, you should know that there will be blood involved. Consider also the damage done to internal organs due to the force of the blow. And let us not speak of the morning star, with it's spikes protruding from the ball. Also, there were records of bishops fighting with weapons other than maces.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:23 pm

and that is why i said SUPPOSEDLY in BIG, BOLD, LETTERS. Also, what do you think the police batons are based off of? the very same concept, and Morning star does not equal mace IRL.

Anyway, A mace will cause a VERY painful wound, yes, but if used correctly, you might break some bones, which might be painful, but not as life threatening, or as Bleed-causing as a sword through the chest.

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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:17 pm

And considering armor evolved to a point where swords are useless...

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Laura Hicks
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:38 am

this might come as a surprise to you, but the average person did not have platemail. other than knights and soldiers (and MAYBE some really rich people), platemail was incredibly rare because of how expensive it was. A sword was still MUCH deadlier than a mace for 90% of the population.

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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Mon May 19, 2014 1:07 am

There's a couple ways to go about it, depending on your mod options.

1. Paladin: in a historical sense, Roland and his twelve captains, the rear guard of Charlemagne.
General archetype: Straightforward heavy warrior.
Race: Recommended Breton / Imperial.
Skills: Light armour (think chain, not plate,) 1h or 2h, block, archery (bow, not crossbow.)
RP: You're rather similar to a military officer or a huscarl.

2. Paladin: as somewhat of a combination of D&D and high chivalry. (D&D used to incorporate high chivalry more, reaching its peak in a Second Edition splatbook, but has toned it down.)
General archetype: Morally upright crusader with some defencive magic.
Race: Any.
Skills: Heavy armour, 1h, block, restoration, alteration, speech.
RP: You are unwaveringly loyal to your preferred god (who should be Aedra, not Daedra, and not Talos,) and liege, a true gentlemen with the ladies, and highly ethical. If someone asks you to break laws, you've already decided to say no halfway through their request. In battle, you do not strike first and certainly not against any person in the yielding posture, though your opinion may vary with respect to non-people or undead.
Faction notes:
DG vs. vampires: DG, but be very careful about the radiants as some of them require acts that are technically forbidden to you. Of note, vampire-in-court requires pickpocketing, and vampire-in-street requires attacking with initiative. (Not to mention that the vampire counterpart to vampire-in-street wants the player to false-flag as a Dawnguard and straight up publicly murder someone as though s/he were doing vampire-in-street.)
Companions: No.
DB: Can't start either path (unless you have a mod that lets you start the chain at Maro.)

3. Paladin: the Blizzard version.
General archetype: A mercenary soldier who uses magical defences and radiates auras to aid or hurt surrounding actors.
Race: Redguard (Diablo); Imperial, Khajiit, Argonian, Altmer (WoW.) Khajiit and Argonian roughly stand in for tauren and draenei.
Skills: Heavy armour, 1h or 2h, block, destruction (cloaks.) If you have a mod that adds aura spells, then whatever skills govern the aura spells (eg, restoration in SkyRe) also.
RP: Up to you.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:10 am not entirely true. A Paladin can and will break laws if it means for the greater good. A Paladin would have few issues with stealing from a corrupt official for example if it meant that the stolen stuff would help those in need. A Paladin can and will do wrong, what matters is if he can stand back up again.

Talos could very much be a god he could follow, There is nothing in any D&D book saying you cannot follow a God of war, especially since he could be considered the God of nords.

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Matt Terry
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:44 pm

Actually, the paladin's code forbids dishonourable acts, which would include stealing - you don't want to set an example of "My family needs, you have, yoink," after all. If the corruption is directly related, like with Robin Hood fighting against Nottingham's ruinous taxation of his charges, it's more arguable than if it's someone taking bribes and denying individual justice in court.

In either case, the paladin would try to work against the official, because the official is a threat to the greater good - ideally by finding the truth and exposing the official.

As for Talos: there's no problem with worshipping a god of war, I agree. I'd go for Kyne, Shor, or even Stendarr before Talos, though.
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:51 pm

My main is a Dawnguard Paladin. He wears Dawnguard armor, uses a steel sword as his melee weapon, a steel crossbow as his range, and he also uses some magic. (Restoration magic for sures, including the sun spells. He also uses some lightning magic too).

Oh and he is also a werewolf cause I considered werewolves as "neutral" and not evil or good... (Meaning a werewolf can easily be a good guy, like a Paladin, just fine). Just me though.

I don't know how others play as paladins though.

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