Since I currently can't run Better Cities or other performance-hungry mods, many locations in my game now look like they do in vanilla that had a very different look before. In this case, the Arcane University is the current thorn in my side. It is really bland and the design doesn't really make sense, and it has no resemblance of a university whatsoever.
Additionally, I've always wanted to connect the interiors of the Arcane University with corridors, stairs and rooms, in order to create a very big labyrinthine structure.
A couple of days ago I made a dummy cell with all IC buildings in it and began puzzling out a possible new outlay of buildings. Eventually, I settled on this:
Question is - would people be interested in a mod like this? Or are people already oversaturated with mods that enhance the Arcane University? Or are you simply more interested in a less "urban" Arcane University and prefer e.g. ImperREAL's Arcane University, which focuses on natural beauty like flowers and magical lights? (Because there won't be enough space for many flowers in my design... there's only one area that will serve as the gardens, even though I might add a greenhouse somewhere in the main structure.)
If I want to release it, there's still a lot of stuff I need to do, so I thought I might as well get some feedback already. I still need to do the interiors, and I might be a bit more careless if I knew that I'd only have to satisfy myself.
There's also the question of how the old interiors will be arranged in this structure. This is a topic where I could really need some feedback/help.
As you can see, in front of the main entrance to the AU district there is a plaza that is separated from the rest. There are two entrances there, and the one closer to the orrery is where the Arch Mage's Lobby would be (so that it remains as accessible as it was in vanilla). For the other interiors, there are many many possibilities. Should they have an entrance from the exterior, or should they be hidden somewhere in the interiors? I think it would make sense to place the Alchemy Center, Spellmaking Center, Enchanting Center and the Mystic Archives somewhere inside the main tower structure, but that would mean worse accessibility. The Arch Mage's Council and Chambers are of course at the top of the central tower, but where are the Mage Quarters, the Practice Rooms, the auditories, what happens to all the "upper levels" of the different interiors (which mostly didn't serve any purpose, I think)? And how should should the main structure in the middle be arranged - what should be on the third floor, what should be on the ground floor and what in the basemant? What would you like to see when you enter that building?