To refresh your memory, first you get attacked by a female bandit, then you cross a bridge, get attacked by two nix hounds, then you come upon a locked door and an intersection of sorts. If you take the left, you must go through a second door and kill an Orc and then you can free 3 slaves there.
This I did last night. But I noticed something I never had before. There appear to be two secret rooms. But they are behind rocks not secret doors. One of these rooms is that short little, well, not even a tunnel, that's on the right opposite the left you take to get to the slaves. The other is right behind the slaves.
Take the one behind the slaves. See that egg shaped circle and the dark line at the end of the left hand tunnell (not the four black circles)? The dark line is approximately "the rock". When you look at your local map you see the egg shaped area but the rock is in the way. Further, the rock looks "different" from the rest of the rocky terrain in there, like it should be able to be moved or something.
I looked all over the net but did not see one thing about it!
Now, maybe there's nothing in there, but I sure am curious. Anyone know how you get in (if you even can)? Yeah, I know I could shut off collision and take a look and I might just do that. But...