» Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:53 pm
Main concern: cut features and oversimplification of character system. Good riddance to classes, says I, and the horrible way attributes were handled before, but not replacing all the things attributes governed (e.g. speed) is bad, as is making all races start out with the same encumbrance, and probably primary stats as well. I fear that they won't even have multipliers for their stats when you level, and it will all be appearance and innate/active powers. Also, of course, no spears (understandable from time constraints), no crossbows or thrown weapons (less understandable as they would have required far less investiture of time and resources), and no mounted combat (just rip off Mount and Blade shamelessly, we won't care).
What I'm looking forward to:
New character system does look like it will have far better balance and fluidity than the old system ever had. Gaining discrete and diverse benefits for leveling in a way that rewards specialization without punishing generalization sounds a lot better to me than having to metagame if you want to optimize your character, as does the fact that there are now more limitations on your power, so that every character will be different as a virtue of the system itself.
Melee combat looks a lot more fun. Spells actually look fun as hell to cast and interact with now, and with the transition to active magical defenses and better-defined roles for each spell hot mage on mage action should be a lot more interesting now. No more THERE IS NO ESCAPE (fireball, fireball, fireball, whip out dagger, get horribly murdered by me).
More visual character customization. Scars, tattoos, beards, and with luck a return to the more diverse hairstyles of Morrowind. I better be able to give my Dunmer a nice spiky haircut to go with his facial tattoo or I'm going to be disappointed.
Abandonment of the Wikipedia model to adopt a more traditional dialogue tree system.
Animations that don't svck! Yay for hiring people who actually know how to [censored] animate!
DRAGONS. They just look amazing. Absolutely stunning.
Apart from that: dungeons look great, engine looks awesome and the graphics look good, introduction of children, wildlife ecosystems, living economies, NPCs actually doing jobs, Radiant Story sounds like it has potential, etc. Most of the things I'm seeing about this game make me very happy and I can't wait to play it. Then the modding begins, and it gets even better.