It's a situation that encourages power gaming and discourages role playing.
Yup, that is what i mean, the game force me to make sure i get +5/+5/+5 on each level up, or else there will be a big problem. Allies don't help much as they don't level up at all.
I also love the two-handed look, and most of the time gravitate towards the blade as opposed to the blunt, though there are some awesome hammers in late game levels. My character sports a Fine Iron Claymore at the moment, choosing this over steel or silver, merely because I like how the hilt looks and well as the curve in the blade for maximum bleeding.

Yup, Iron Claymore look realistic. other than that i prefer Dai-Katana, but this just destroy the mood of the western based fantasy role-playing. Katana don't match with western armor, if using Katana i will change to wear robe or Blade armor (in which do look like Samurai armor). Well, i am seriously-critical regarding theme and thematic-role-playing
To avoid spamming Restoration, purchase the highest level Healing spell that you can cast at the moment, and use this, instead of the cheapest magicka-costing one.
But the problem is, the cost and effect is not balanced. Heal Major Wound cost to high for little healing effect. i am so surprised by it in the first time, never before in any game i play mana cost is higher than the spell effect.
Currently, my character wears all iron, except for leather greaves and leather boots. No helmet, wearing a hood when it rains instead, and sometimes traveling only in a cloak. A change of clothing if I'm in town, nothing fancy mind you. My female warriors tend to look great in a leather cuirass and dwarven greaves, leather boots, etc. Eventually tends to wear a mixture of enchanted street clothes, and heavy and light armor...
Glass is generally ugly to me, except the greaves. Ebony, all ugly except maybe the cuirass, gauntlets... but the weapons rock. Not really into the daedric, but the helmet is just so cool. I really like steel, just wish it could be dirtier. Dwarven is cool too, especially the helmet and greaves. Perfect Madness though, I love all of it. In the end, my characters wear what they look good in, rather than for armor rating, so it is always a mix, and it's cool to discover new ensembles for different characters, because every character is different.
I am using "coc testinghall" to see all the armor available (out of curiosity), and try them all, i am not use it for the game, just want to see what the game offer me. Only few armors are ok in my taste, most higher level armors just yaaaarrrh......i am surprise the game that is tend to be realistic but have cartoonish armor design in the end. Go!Go! Power Ranger!

Robes are cool in my opinion especially black one, look like the Sith when wearing it, it match with two handed sword. But the character must be Spellsword or Nightblade type.
Hmm, wear mixed armor, i will think about it, thanks