Question is: should I feel bad for using this weapon?
it doesn't really matter, u might get some laughs out of it
It's handy if you're taking on a large group of opponents who are attacking you all at once.
Yes paralyze is extremely powerful. The only character I use it on is my mage because if more than one opponent gets in melee range of me Ill die lol.
My Ranger has a steel dagger he named Stinger that has the 2 sec. paralyze enchant. It is mainly used when going against multiple opponents. I'll equip it to my left had, get a few attacks with it in to hopefully take out one or two baddies, then sheath it again so I can focus my epic silver sword on those that remain standing.
I think the paralyze enchantment needs fixed. The best way, imo, would be to make the enchantment have an activation percent. For example, someone with 40 in enchanting could give it a 20% chance or something like that.
I dont understand the question. you want us to tell you how you feel?
It works that way now. The paralyse effect from an enchantment has a 26% chance to trigger. It doesn't happen 100% of the time.