For climbing over fences or up elevated ledges sure that would be cool and useful, being able to pull of stunts like in AC or Mirrors Edge, no, that level of acrobatics would be ridiculous and superfluous for this particular series IMO
For climbing over fences or up elevated ledges sure that would be cool and useful, being able to pull of stunts like in AC or Mirrors Edge, no, that level of acrobatics would be ridiculous and superfluous for this particular series IMO
We are getting a form of jet pack for the power armor more than enough for me, and the park-our thing would be a tad to much, normal climbing of a fence would be fine or ledges, and a way of cutting through a fence or a make shift ladder you have with you or grappling rope would also work for me over the AC or mirror's edge like park-our.
I'd like to just be able to use ladders first. Personally hated the climbing and vaulting in ACreed was such a pain that it was always on and did random things.
I guess I will vote yes? Bethesda Game Studios hopefully made functional ladders for Fallout 4.
Lol, the story behind ladders in Bethesda games is that they were having all kinds of trouble getting them to work in one of their older games... and then they thought, "wait, who the hell cares?" and decided it wasn't worth the trouble. No doubt they could get them working nowadays, but Beth might still not see a point if they managed to create four award-winning game worlds already without them.
Some of their ladder problems were animation issues caused by NPCs having variable height (more prevalent in Elder Scrolls), and then just general pathfinding issues with the AI. Does anyone remember which game Bethesda realized they didn't care about ladders? If it was Morrowind, I can wholeheartedly understand the pathfinding issues (and why, oh why, did the Bethesda game with the worst NPC pathfinding have the most escort quests?).
Who needs parkour when you have power armor jetpacks?
I voted for Yes, though I don't think I'd want it over the top. Something that allowed basic climbing similar to Far Cry 3 would be a welcome addition. Wall running and all that jazz is probably just a bit too much. On the other hand, if it were Agility > Perk based and that was one of many supported play styles, why not? Realism isn't something I desperately crave in a video game.
I had to vote no just don't think it fits...... ( I can sense an acrobatics tease GK you might be right may get some jump boost without jets heheh)
Parkour Fails on the other hand ohhh yes I would vote for that.
"Codsworth cough cough help me"
"One moment sir, just uploading that to the internet."
Not necessary, but I wouldn't mind a Dying Light style of parkour.
Agreed, having your character grounded all the time is too linear for my liking.
Depends on, how well it is made. In case of doubt, i would say a huge no. One of the reason i never played Assassins Creed. Until Black Flag, i bought only because of the pirate setting. There the jump and parkour was very nice and well done and i enjoyed it very much. But in other games, i was nearly going crazy in the jump and run passages and nearly have bitten in the keyboard.
I don't get why anyone would hate this, a basic level of climbing and jumping would count as parkour. Like in Saints Row 3-4 where you climb over a fence and jump over small ones, etc. It's nothing fancy. It also makes sense. Even someone like me with like 1 in agility could climb over a fence...
Because you say "game with parkour" and we don't see hopping over a fence, we see AssCreed/Dying Light/Mirror'sEdge "super-twitch-action jump/tumble/fly RunSprintFastGOGOGOGO!"
....and honestly, I have no interest in that. And I certainly don't think that adding it to an FPS/RPG like Fallout seems like a good idea. (Like I already said, that seems like the kind of movement system you need to build a whole game around, not just throw in as another option.)
That's why I said basic. And that is something F4 need to add to the realism. Of course you can already, most likely, jump over a small fence. But some different animations for doing so would be better for the sake of realism.
I don't if it will work for Fallout maybe TES but Fallout I just don't know. Being able to climb fences isn't a big deal. But I don't know about drop kicking DeathClaws.
Yeah dude, I've had this conversation before. Jetpacks are totally cool & I'm glad the power armor now comes equipped with such an implement. However I get the feeling you're not gonna want to be in your armor all of the time. I just want my character to be versatile enough to scale a simple fence/wall. Needing the power armor for this simple task would be impractical
Dying Light......hands down best parkour in a game even beating out Mirror's Edge.
I disapprove of parkour. I wouldn't mind a climbing mechanic to wear your character would climb a ledge if you jumped close to it like Farcry and GTA though.
And one of the two main reasons I'm avoiding the game, even though I liked the Dead Island games.
(the other reason: looks grosser/scarier. I was okay with Dead Island, but Dying Light looks like it takes it to another level. )
And you would be missing out on a much better and more polished version of the DI games. The one complaint I do have is that its to easy to abuse the grappling hook but there are mods that fix that issue to some degree. The parkour is a bit over the top at times but the alternative is to come to a waste high wall and not be able to climb over it.
I actually think that the zombies in DI were "grosser" than the ones in Dying Light because they looked more human, Dying Light is significantly scarier especially at night when the wubbles chase after you.
Not parkour, but interactivity with the environment is always welcome.
parkour...what a weird name for free running. wouldnt mind a basic system like watch dog did.
Not a fan of Mirror's Edge and I'm tired of zombie games. Putting both together is just a big no purchase for me.