what are your thoughts on parkour in Bethesda games?
what are your thoughts on parkour in Bethesda games?
I think something like Mirror's Edge level parkour would be too much for an action RPG - designing areas to reward parkour but still work for characters that don't invest in that trait would be really challenging, I don't think it's possible to do both justice.
The amount of climbing/clambering we get in a game like Dishonored, though, would be perfect - sans Blink. Dishonored has the advantage, though, in that they don't really have to worry about third-person animations for that stuff, which I think makes it a lot harder.
But Fallout has implants which can be used to enhance a person's jumping ability. Could even use an implant for wall climbing similar to Spiderman.
I'm open to it for both Fallout and TES, in limited form. I wouldn't want anything like full on Assassin's Creed, but a large amount of athleticism, climbing, agile leaping/scaling walls and buildings, dodging, or feasible acrobatics would be very nice, IMO.
Well I mean, if we can get perks to regenerate our health in the sunlight, or have a Mysterious Stranger appear and kill things for us, I think a double-jump perk in Agility would be fine.
It would be nice, but with the vertibird drop offs and having a jump pack for the power armor it might not exist.
On the other hand, since they have to do all the roof tops for the above reasons, they might include some type of climb.
I'll second the idea about being able to climb chain link fences.
Re: jumping and climbing, more info coming soon...
No thank you.
Yeah, it does seem like something you design a whole game around (Mirror's Edge, Dying Light), not just have as an optional extra...
(I enjoyed the Dead Island games, but I'm avoiding Dying Light. One reason is "a bit too gross/scary" ... the other reason is the parkour movement. A bit too twitch for me, I think. And it's kind of central to the game.)
I agree the ability to climb would be a great addition, parkour maybe in FO 5, probably has to be designed in early.
I have a lot of fun with parkour in Oblivion and Skyrim, so I think that parkour could work well for Fallout 4 too.
No to asscreed and mirror's edge levels of parkour, but I'd think it'd be nice if they would have a perk for when you have agility at ten that makes you sprint faster/jump higher and new animations that come along with it so it's not just a sped up version of the old one since we all know how great those look.
When I post up the remaining 3 perk categories, which will hopefully be within a few days, you may want to check out Agility 5 and 6
At the absolute most, a climbing system.
Look at a ledge slightly higher than what you can clear with just a jump, your character pulls themselves up it.
None of this Mirror's Edge/Assassin's Creed rolling around, FPS building scaling/diving. Fallout isn't really a game where that stuff would work.
thinks back to the mods in skyrim that added "parkour" challenges. hellz no! Jumping is already pretty clumsy in their games i hate to have it required. The obvious change would be your legs, you need to see those noodley things. THen they would have to design the environment around it, and allow you to actually climb up or over things.
I mean if they want to do it, they should make the game with it as a key design feature. It doesn't seem like something that could be half assed at the last minute and be enjoyable.
Yeah, like I said - a game really needs to be designed for & around a complex movement system like that (world design, animations, encounter design, difficulty, etc), otherwise it'll either be unnecessary & overpowered (world not designed for it, so you can exploit/run past every difficulty) or a "must have" skill (encounters need it, so any other playstyle is crippled).
It seems like it would be difficult to have a game that allowed stealth, straight-up combat, and dodge/run/parkour playstyles, while still having them all be reasonably equal in viability.
You make it sound like you're the one creating the perks that are going in to the game.