Wrong they probably will ignore it just like they ignore ps3 problems.
Gstaff was in a thread earlier today collecting information on Blood on the Ice problems, and minutes after I sent him a save file it had been forwarded to QA. If I looked through his recent posting history it wouldn't surprise me if I found similar posts in threads about quest bugs.
I've also seen several QA members actively reading these sections, so even where they aren't requesting additional information they're collecting bug reports people are making here.
They haven't even said anything about starting to fix the problems yet too. You're right though, with this patch maybe we will get the next one quicker, but still can't complete the quests that are glitched =/
Bethesda generally doesn't announce what a patch will contain until it is released. While it can be annoying to not know, imagine the brouhaha if some announced fixes had to be delayed to another patch.