Patch 1.9.5 Fix-List

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:42 am

What needs to be fixed. There have been a few similar but they have vanished, especially Harmatia had an awesome thread for this ages ago but it's time to move on I guess. I wont discriminate between lesser and greater issues, I'll just do a raw fixlist if nobody objects.

Add stuff on here, I'll add the ton of things off the top of my head:


1. Orbital Lag. It needs to end, take away orbitals if you don't know what else to do. It often makes the game unplayable.
2. Menu music overlapping twice if you go to customize. This was supposed to be fixed already!
3. Laser sight (only)on the SCAR increases its ADS strafe speed dramatically, and is ruining the game.
4. Guns with laser sight have greatly reduced recoil, bug or not it's stupid.
5. The fence on the lighthouse can be shot through from the lighthouse, but not the other way around.
6. On Wall Street, you can shoot through the corner of the building spear building outwards, but not back in. People abuse this.
7. The Gauss and the gauss attachment will drain your friends energy if shot, even without FF on.
8. If you join a lobby through a friend, you wont be able to click the friends button until next lobby.
9. The HMG ADS strafe speed is RIDICULOUSLY high with aim enhance.
10. Air stomps sometimes stomp a small object, even a grenade in mid air.
11. Fix the symbol system so that we will be able to type in hackers names easily.
12. Improved anti-cheat NOW
13. Auto download for maps that you dont have. Custom ones.
14. Better admin access for server hosts.
15. Loadout pro still works on classic mode.
16. C4 will sometimes not detonate, or only after you've died.
17. Retriever STILL resets often for many people, FIX IT.
18. The auto-nanosuit reboots have to stop!
19. Sometimes if you try to customize your weapon just as the match begins, your game will crash.
20. Occasional desyncs, like getting stuck in the ground and everyone is warping around.
21. Sometimes you can see a cloaked persons gun.
22. Sometimes a persons gun is cloaked.
23. People STILL don't have their nanoreboot dogtag.
24. Servers still crash every few hours, do something about this please.
25. The L-TAG needs to have its sounds reduced when farther away. If someone is L-TAGging, the match becomes too annoying to be in there.
26. L-TAG lags the server a bit.
27. SPAWNS. I don't want to spawn, and then instantly have an enemy spawn 1 meter behind me.
You can't have people spawning behind other people all the time, it's nonsense.
28. Spawning without a scope is bogus, it needs to stop.
29. You need to be able to switch weapon right after you spawn, not 5 seconds later. Same goes for fire-mode.
30. Switching fire-mode (like single-shot) will force you to wait several seconds before you can either switch back or start firing again.
31. Trying to switch weapon while reloading should work. Now it just reloads insanely fast and THEN switches weapon.
32. If the match just ended, the server will read as empty on the server browser.
33. LOBBY HANGING. Every couple of games, all servers get stuck at 1 second for about 30 seconds. (no, this has nothing to do with players joining or votes)
34. You sometimes get dirty dozen for no apparent reason.
35. If you're playing late, you ALWAYS get ''Drunk and Disorderly'' even if you're not in the bottom third.
36. You can get ''A View to a Kill'' an unlimited number of times, and it is infact, annoying.
37. As soon as a player dies, his body needs to stop clipping with players. Getting stuck on a corpse is the most annoying way to die.
38. RANDOM CAR EXPLOSIONS, this is BOGUS. Even in my old c2 age, avoiding all cars at all costs they still sometimes get me by exploding without a cause. Especially on Parking Deck.
39. Sometimes the enemy grenades don't have an indicator.
40. If you stealth kill someone while they die, sometimes you get stuck running around with the camera facing yourself and being unable to shoot.
41. If somone is aiming at a persons head, anyone else spraying in their direction will get a headshot. This is pretty weird, but you snipers will know that I'm talking about.
42. Sometimes activating Max Nanosuit will not do anything.
43. HMGs in Assault need to be disabled for EVERYONE.
44. On Wall Street in the same corner second floor in the spear, where you can shoot only in one direction, your gun will also disappear.
45. You can get on top of the roof of the skybridge without hacks.
46. The Ceph Gunship gets stuck on downed bird most of the time, and is useless.
47. While you Gunship is shooting, you don't have reload or weaponswitch animations.
48. The Crash Site sometimes appears to be in the sky over its next point a while before it crashes.
49. Sometimes when you shoot someone and they spray blood all over, you don't get hitmarkers or damage them. Then you die. Possible lag, but damage is clientside so woot.
50. Kicking a car while being killed sometimes bugs the car, so that later in about 5-30 seconds it will start flying and killing someone. I once killed myself this way.

51. Grenade indicator sometimes displays 0m when it is in fact no where near you.
52. You can hear enemy footsteps right next to you if the enemy is 100ft above or below you.
53. Mass glass breaking causes insane server lagg and player FPS drops especially with orbital strikes and flash bangs.
54. Occasionally matches will be 9vs7
55. Other invisible walls on lighthouse such as on the boat, and that one rock to the left side of the hospital.
56. Random explosions of smoke encompassing the entire map need to go away.

57. Optimize tessellation in SP. Flat surfaces don't need a ton of polys.
58. Either tone down the damage or reduce the accuracy on the FY71.
59. From time to time in MP and even in SP all of my controls except for movement lock up. This feels like a modded controller prevention measure, if it is we don't need it on the PC.
60. Scarab with silencer sometimes smokes like ****. Also no recoil with laser + RAPID FIRE. That makes no sense. The recoil is just the same as with aim enhence.
61. Activating Max Nanosuit in armor mode will get you stuck at the armor mode speed, while activating it in power mode you'll be able to run around normally. Make a choice!

62. Mousewheel(up or down) when set to melee (which works) cannot be used for zoom toggle (it does nothing when you roll it while scoping with sniper). (logitech g9x used).
63. With single fire equpped and whilst in Assault Scope, changing to single fire does not allow you to fire before re-scoping. (Try Grendel as an example).
64. Visor cannot be used whilst crouching
65. Visor has a very unhealthy delay upon activation.
66. Moving whilst using visor produces no footsteps. Regardless if Covert Ops is equipped or not.
67. using the quit command gives error of runaway thread in console. And there is overall many red error messages constantly flooding the console.
68.Relay sometimes falls under the map.
69. Switching from Gauss reflex to DSG reflex will cause you to have no red dot for the entire game.
70. Just as you die, hitmarkers you get aren't registered.
71. Being shot with the k-volt while using gauss reflex will cause your red dot to disappear until you die. Possibly longer.
72. Crysis 2 crashes about every 20 games or so.
73. Bugs with sound. Sometimes you cannot hear any footsteps or bullet-hit sounds.
74. Switching to gauss hologram will leave a crosshair for a long time, even if using the main gun.
75. Better optimizations on Impact. There are many areas that cause big slowdowns for no apparent reason. Most of them are inside (or close to) the crooked building.
76. Better optimizations on Skyline. Semi-big FPS dip inside the gym section.
77. The background buildings on Evac/Statue have a bloom bug. The longer they are on-screen the brighter they get, nearly burning a hole in my screen. (kidding, but still...) Dx9 only, btw.
78. Random times on Skyline I'm unable to shoot or reload. It fixes itself in a few seconds. Might just be server lag.
79. Standing on certain spots (like the railing on parking deck) will get you autokicked by the anti-cheat
80. Sometimes (usually feline or scar) you will spawn with the gun unnaturally close to your face.
81. Occasionally there are insane FPS drops. Sometimes associated with a pod crashing, or glass breaking.
82. The weapon cycle order is the same for all secondary weapons except for the majestic.
83. Running the game on a HDMI TV will restrict the FPS/Hz to 24. This is a huge problem for anyone who runs this kind of setup.


The first 50 was what me and ScareCrow could come up with off the top of our heads. I'm expecting more to add/remove. But yeah, 50 is quite a number for something we just threw in there. I would have just bumped harmatias thread with this but it is really old and abandoned.

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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:06 am

Oh and also, not related to a patch.

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Bedford White
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:43 am

51. Grenade indicator sometimes displays 0m when it is in fact no where near you.
52. You can hear enemy footsteps right next to you if the enemy is 100ft above or below you.
53. Mass glass breaking causes insane server lagg and player FPS drops especially with orbital strikes and flash bangs.
54. Occasionally matches will be 9vs7
55. Other invisible walls on lighthouse such as on the boat, and that one rock to the left side of the hospital.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:01 am

First 15 need to be fixed, while we could still play if the others didn't get fixed....
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Harry Leon
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:56 pm

Fans of crysis 2 need a decent game

crytek yourself are killing the game, fix it. please
finally announced that work on a solution, so we will be more relaxed
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James Hate
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:52 am

Updated to add War_Spirits stuff! Thanks bro.


56. Random explosions of smoke encompassing the entire map need to go away.
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Marquis T
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:33 pm

Oh yeh I forgot that smoke one. F*cking hell.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:42 pm

57. Optimize tessellation in SP. Flat surfaces don't need a ton of polys.
58. Either tone down the damage or reduce the accuracy on the FY71.
59. From time to time in MP and even in SP all of my controls except for movement lock up. This feels like a modded controller prevention measure, if it is we don't need it on the PC.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:27 pm

4. Guns with laser sight have greatly reduced recoil, bug or not it's stupid.
9. The HMG ADS strafe speed is RIDICULOUSLY high with aim enhance.
15. Loadout pro still works on classic mode.

Why 4 is bug? It's not stupid; you trade recoil decrease for stealth reduction.
9. ain't aim enhance is supposed to increase mobility in ads? (level 3 of couse)
15. i see no apparent reason why it shouldnt. it's not nanosuit module
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louise tagg
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:14 pm

Aha. thanks for this post.
Just got off an EA live chat for over an hours worth of talking, i was raging and they thought i was being rude so they said calm down or i will have to end this chat and your acc maybe suspended -.-

Anyway, after that i spammed there chat box with the 56+ issues from this site, the chat helper gave up, so they sent my transcription and concern onto the supervisor who will review it and pass on to the game developers.... i asked them some impossible questions too :P

It may not help. but im doing everything i can.

only thing i can suggest is some of us go on live chat too and rage.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:21 pm

Nice list!

Strongly disagree about taking loadout pro from classic (#15). It adds considerable strategy for both offense and defense, and favors no-one, but brings a broader weapon assortment to the field.

Implementing autodownload (#13) would dramatically change the Crysis2 landscape, in all ways for the better.
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matt white
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:03 pm

What about fixing black screen on load in DX11 in the buggy hell of a game....???
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Jennifer Munroe
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:25 am

I can never find EA live chat.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:08 pm

I can never find EA live chat.

Log in using your EA account.
If you dont have one you can use your origin account to log in, it will work.

Select No, bc it asks you if the case is already open ( like have u talked about it before on live chat )

select game .. platform then click live chat :)
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:13 pm

57. Scarab with silencer sometimes smokes like ****. Also no recoil with laser + RAPID FIRE. That makes no sense. The recoil is just the same as with aim enhence.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:53 am

Is it just me or is the grenade indicator bug (always showing 0m no matter how far you are away from a thrown grenade) a new bug? I never experienced it before so it must be a new bug. I've seen it for some weeks now.
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Vicki Blondie
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:26 pm

idk if some of you had this bug, but I had... sometimes I can't hear sound of my Feline :/ (I think it used to happen when I was using silencer on it) (possible 58. bug?)
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josie treuberg
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:27 pm

Sometimes HMG is silent as well. Just another bug.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:19 am

Some of guys had red dot missing in Reflex sight... bug 59.?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:52 pm

Where is the patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch patch!!!???
F..k you crytek!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:56 pm

11. Fix the symbol system so that we will be able to type in hackers names easily.
12. Improved anti-cheat NOW
Good list but i think no12 should be no1 cos cheaters are the worst.
I've killed around 20k people in C2 MP but i haven't experienced or noticed about 1/3 of the bugs u listed. :)

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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 4:46 pm

60.slowed after activating the max suit in armor mode
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Ann Church
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 7:07 pm

60.slowed after activating the max suit in armor mode

**** yeh, that one is sh*t.
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Jade Barnes-Mackey
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:37 am

60.slowed after activating the max suit in armor mode

Armor mode is supposed to slow you down?
Even with armor enhance or what?
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:01 pm

No when you activate max suit while in armour mode your max suit will have the speed of a suit in arour mode, when you activate max suit in power mode you will have normal sprint speed as max suit.
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