Hi guys, first post.
Having this glitch with the whole unending season/joining the stormcloaks conflict. I thought it would be patched in 2.1.0 but when I realised that it hadn't I was furious. I thought this was kind of a big issue? Not being able to complete the main quest because a silly bug is, in my opinion, a rather large issue. Not everyone has multiple saves for the one character so I think it's a bit unfair to not adress this issue, especially for console player like myself who can't access a command screen.
Is there any fix anyone knows of for consoles beside the stupid as sh*t "fixes" oin youtube?
Regards, Liam.
"Unfair"? As in, you think they had a fix ready for this patch that they could have released but withheld? MS and Sony make patching titles brutal with multi-week, sometimes multi-month delays from patch submission to them getting posted for download thanks to their long certification process. The fixes we're seeing now are the major things Bethesda had identified and fixed two weeks ago and are only just now getting out of the claws of the console manufacturers. I'd hope for a major-quest-bugs patch sometime before Christmas, although with January just as likely.
Makes me pine for PC-only GfWL-less releases on Steam; same week (and sometimes same-day!) patching rules.